Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'm Having a Baby!

Not really. Though last night I had a dream that I was pregnant and in labor.

I also had a dream about eight months ago where I was pregnant too. In that particular dream the labor was so easy. I was like, "Is that it?" I don't know if I had a boy or girl but I didn't seem concerned.

The first dream was not a literal interpretation, because there were no motherly instincts at all, as I did not care about the gender, nor did I see the baby. Also I was not interested in becoming a mother at that time. So I crossed that scenario out. I interpreted the dream to be symbolic of where I was in life. I also came across this verse.

Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it will spring forth (new birth); shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."

A birth for me represented a new beginning. Thinking back I parallel that dream to what I was going through in reality. I was out of a job and looking for a new one. I did get one and it was extremely easy, to the point, that my friend found the job for me. Things just fell into place. God did a new thing in my life, he made a way in a time when jobs were scarce. The labor in the dream was easy just like getting the job was easy.

Now this second dream that I had last night, I also believe it means that I am going to birth something new. In the dream I was scared about the labor and that it was going to hurt, but I was excited at the same time. I didn't actually give birth in this dream though.

So my interpretation is that I'm getting ready to begin something new in my life again. It's going to be scary but it's going to be exciting.

Last week I went through a major healing process of the heart and mind. I feel like I've finally gotten a breakthrough in this particular area; therefore, I believe that this dream represents what's next for me - something new. I'm ready, bring on the labor!


Erin K. said...

I didn't have a chance today to tell you about a dream I had last night, that had to do with my sister. (The one in CA.) I called her this afternoon and talked with her about it, and she said that she's interested to know what you think about it. :-) Remind me to tell you about it on Monday!