Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Dog Costs Gold Bricks

A couple months ago I had a very short dream that my dog, Cookie, peed gold bricks. Now I felt this dream could go one of two ways. Either 1.) My dog is going to make me rich, or 2.) My dog is going to cost me a chunk of change.

I immediately cursed revelation number 2. I should note that at the beginning of the year my dog was struggling with urinary tract infections, which eventually cleared up. So when I had the dream, it certainly wasn't cute, even though she is. (See picture to the left.) That's when I had a, "You've got to be kidding me," moment.

The last couple of months I've been praying over my dog and watching her do her business outside like a mouse eyes a piece of cheese. When she started peeing like a boy, and stopped drinking water I thought it was time to take her to the vet. (Don't know why she was lifting her leg. That could be a whole other issue. One that I'm not willing to explore right now.)

I have to say that when the vet called to tell me,"Cookie has a urinary tract infection and it's pretty bad," I wasn't surprised. The rest of what she said sounded like the clinging of gold bricks, or in 21st century terms - my pocketbook emptying out. Nearly $150 later and a diagnosis of expensive prescription food for the rest of her life, I realized, "Hey, dreams really do come true."

Again, I could look at this situation two ways: 1.)Guess I didn't pray hard enough and now I have to pay for it, or 2.) the dream heightened my awareness to pay attention to my dog. Had I not paid attention to her, the diagnosis could have come out much worse. The vet said if we didn't stop the crystal growth now, it would have eventually lead to a surgery - a much, much bigger expense.

So thank God, he gave me a dream to make me aware of a future situation and then the means to pay for it. It's not exactly how I want to spend my money, but at least I have it to spend.

Have you ever had a dream that gave you a heightened awareness about a future event? Here's another example about the time when I dreamed that gas was $1.50. It actually came true several months later. I even took a picture to prove it.