Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Die Storm Die

Typically I have no shortage of ideas or dreams when it comes to posting. Today though I didn't have anything real strong. So I leashed up the dogs and took a walk with God. He reminded me of the dream I had in early June where the hugest storm was coming toward me and a bunch of people I didn't know. I was telling people to get in the basement where there was a huge window. Not a good idea to stand in front of a window during a storm, but I was and I was commanding this huge storm that looked like a black hurricane to dissolve. It did just before it hit the house we were all in. After that storm several other small tornadoes were coming toward us. I commanded those to die too and they did.

I woke up and thought "Now that is a good dream!" I don't know if other people would think that, but you have to look at what God says and how he reacted to storms to get the right perspective.

In the past I've had lots of storm dreams and typically they've represented spiritual warfare or a seriously disturbing situation. As soon as I would wake up I would ask God, "What storm is headed my way in life? And how can I stop it and be victorious in this situation?"

Note - Black Storm - not good, spiritual warfare, bad situation; White Storm - God's power.

In this particular dream, I actually don't run from the storm. I meet it head on. I take authority over it and command it to die. In life I think that's how we have to handle problems. Knowing the end result before even battling the storm.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7). If he is for us, how can any storm overpower us (Rom. 8:31)? Jesus said that we would do greater things than Him (John 14:12). He calmed a storm, why can't I (Matt 8:26)? I can because of Christ inside of me, the hope of glory. If you have Christ inside of you, you can do.

Now I can either choose to live in fear that some huge storm is coming my way and it's going to be huge and overpowering. Or I can get excited that no matter what comes my way, I'm going to get a victory. I'm going to get a testimony of God's glory. I'm going to kick that storm to the curve and then some.

Bring it life. I'm not scared!

Tell me about your storm dreams and/or storm victories.