Sunday, August 18, 2013

What Will You Do for Money That You Won't Do For Love?

What do you love to do?

Immediately you might make a list like:

  • Go to the Movies
  • Travel
  • Read, etc.
I started to make the same list when God asked me the question. Then He asked, "Why?" about the long list I just made. As I started to think about that second question, I started to realize that some of the things on my list were there because I was skilled in those areas. Some were there because that was how I made money. Some where there because that was what I could afford. And some of the things that were there, I didn't even do them. I began to realize that I had a poverty mentality and I made a lot of choices based off money.

"Why is it that what you'll do for money you won't do for love?"

Third question. And Ouch! Here come the tears now.

I'm being really real and raw right now, and I know I'm not the only one that struggles in this area. Then I started to think about my list. I have worked tirelessly at my career because it pays the bills, and at times have neglected the one that can make my burden light. I have worked tirelessly to become a good writer and I wonder if I ever liked it all. I have bought clothes that are cheap, rather than what I really like. I have done things for money that I wouldn't do for love.

I have put my trust in what I can do instead of what He has already done. I have chosen to live in lack when the Bible says that as a believer in Christ I lack nothing. I have eaten scraps when he prepares a banquet table for me in the presence of my enemies. I have forgotten that my cup overflows; that He died to give me an abundant life.

Can we say conviction?

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:20,21

The wonderful thing about God is He will show you what is in your heart, not to bring condemnation, but to bring healing and freedom. He never convicts you, and then leaves you hanging. He gives you a choice; you give him your heart, he cleans it, and gives it back. He makes all things new! Then you begin to walk in freedom. You begin to see things more clearly. In this case, you start to think about what you really LOVE to do. Then you make a choice to do it, because in that you feel His love. He placed it in your heart anyways. He enjoys it with you.

Check you heart. What will you do for money that you won't do for love? Be real with yourself and God. Then if you find something, repent and give it to God. He'll give it back brand new. Then start doing what you love to do. I'm going to play my piano and paint more often!

- Jaimee