Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Lord is My Shepherd Treadmill Style

When I was in middle school I was part of a church program called Missionettes. It was for young girls and it was a pretty intense program of service, scripture memorization and learning. I had to memorize Psalm 23 in KJV and that was a big deal for me. Now it seems like nothing. However, once I learned it, I learned it and I still know it to this day.

Recently, I was on the tread mill and thought to myself, "Let's kill two birds with one stone and work out the body and the spirit at the same time." (So typical for a woman - multi-tasking! :)

Nobody was in the room, so I started praying in the spirit and then I would recite Psalm 23. I'd go back and forth. As I would recite it, I would picture the imagery.

Seriously, folks picture the Lord as your shepherd. He brings you rest, provides for you and guides you into all righteousness. That's what a good shepherd does. Jesus is the ultimate good shepherd. Sure there are hard times, but he's right there with us. What else do you need?! It gets better, he sets this exquisite table before you in the presence of your enemies. There is abundance and you should just plan on dwelling in his courts forever. Of course this is the paraphrased-Jaimee-version of the entire 23rd Psalm. (You'll have to read the real version, it if you don't know it.)

I started imagining this verse as I have done so many times before. I literally visualized the good shepherd making me lie down in green pastures, leading me beside still waters and my favorite visualization is the table he sets before me. It's is in the grandest ballroom overlooking lush hills with  linen that  is softer than baby's skin. Delicious pastries are displayed on the table and there is no calorie-counting! All my problems are on the outside looking in mocked by the display of affection from the Lord toward me.

If I could just live in this, carry this reality and manifest it everywhere I go - I'd never complain. I'd want nothing else, but the Lord. Therefore, there would be no room for depression, despair, defeat, etc. There is so much power packed in this one chapter of Psalms. I almost floated away in the weight room while I was meditating. No wonder the Bible tells us to meditate on things that are righteous, just, lovely, of good report (Phil 4:8). It will encourage the socks off of you. Nothing will be able to stand between the good Shepherd and you.

Next time you go to the weight room or even the kitchen to wash dishes, set your mind on the Word of God. I encourage you to mediate on the imagery of Psalm 23. See the Lord guiding you, giving you rest, etc. And then believe it, because it's true.

Anybody else have any good scripture passages that they mediate on? What were the effects of it in your life?