Sunday, March 20, 2011

My New Prayer: Lord Disturb My Sleep

The last month or so I have barely had any dreams. It is very crazy for me, because I typically have five or so a night. It's been like this for about three years, and it's been super intense.

So back in February there was a particular week where three nights in a row I was up in the 3 o'clock hour. I happened to be talking to a friend who claimed that she had been up a lot in the middle of the night recently too. But she looked at it differently then me.

While I was rebuking the devil and declaring dreams over myself, she was actually getting up and praying. When she told me, it was like I had an "aha" moment.

That very night I told the Lord that if He wanted to wake me up at 4 a.m. I would be O.K. with it. Do you know what he did? He woke me up at exactly 4 a.m. I knew it was Him.

My flesh was tired, but I got up. I read the Word. I prayed in the spirit. It happened again the next night. It has been happening sporadically throughout the last three or four weeks.

I have to admit, I have tried to ignore at times, but He doesn't relent and I am grateful for His patience and mercy even in my disobedience.

Originally, I thought this was a season that the Lord was doing with just little ole me. It seems clear that the more and more people I talk to, I find out that their sleep has been hindered as well. So I encouraged them to get up and praise Him, spend time with Him, love on Him.

A couple days ago, my friend posted this on Facebook:

The next time you are lying awake early in the morning because you can't sleep... maybe you should ask God what you might need to pray about? SELAH

There were quite a few responses where others mentioned their sleep had been disturbed too.

One person made a great comment "I pray that the Lord will disturb all our sleep - especially mine."

What a great perspective and another "aha" moment for me. So next time your sleep is disturbed, don't make the mistake that I did and blame the devil, ask the Lord if He has something to say.

My new prayer - "Lord Disturb My Sleep."