Monday, March 3, 2014

5 Tips to Receiving and Remembering Your Dreams

I often hear people say, “I don’t dream.” 

My response is, “You do, but you just don’t remember.” 

That is typical. There can be many reasons why you don't remember. Sometimes, I struggle at times to remember my dreams. However, you can prepare to receive dreams and to record them in the morning. Don't let the excuse that you never remember your dreams stop you from trying these five tips.
  1. Pray before you go to bed and expect that you’re going to receive and remember. If you ask God for a fish, is He going to give you a snake? (Luke 11:11) 
  2. Have a consistent bedtime schedule.
  3. Clean your filter. What are you watching/reading before you go to bed? Try to reflect on the day, unclog your filters by quieting yourself before God and submitting all your thoughts and actions for the day to Him. Repent if you need to.
  4. Put a pen and paper or journal on your nightstand as an act of faith.
  5. Try to wake up without an alarm.When I am jolted out of bed by an alarm, I am awake and there is no residue of the sleepy-dream-like state. Though if God can bring back to your memory your dreams during the day. Usually something will trigger you to remember. When I wake up without an alarm, I can wake up slowly while trying to recall what I dreamed.
If you still can’t remember your dreams, ask the Lord why. Be honest with yourself, too. Are you preparing before bedtime? Could it be medication or food that is hindering your dream life? Ask the Lord to show you what you can change. 

Also, it's ok if you don't remember the whole dream. Write down what you do remember - even if it was something simple like getting your hair cut. In addition, write down what you were feeling when you woke up. Try to write down something everyday. Trust God. He is faithful. He will speak to you in the night.

Does anyone else have other tips on how to receive and remember dreams?