Saturday, August 24, 2013

Victorious from Nighttime Torment

I've had this blog for several years now, and I tend to get quite a few emails from readers who are being tormented in the middle of the night. They don't know what to do about it, and they don't want to tell anyone. I understand their experience, because I've had similar ones.

I decided to write this post, because I want people to know they are not alone. They are not crazy. I don't have all the answers, but I have one answer and His name is Jesus. He is the only one that can set you free from torment.

My Story
I have always been a dreamer. As a child and even a young adult, I was afraid of the dark.

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

About 10 years ago, I woke up out of a dead sleep. I got up to use the bathroom and realized the electricity was out. It was completely pitch black. I became terribly afraid. I walked back in the bedroom, and jumped on the bed and under the covers. I looked at my cell phone and then rolled over to go back to sleep.

It was then that I was completely paralyzed and levitated off my bed, illuminated in blue. I could not move and I was beyond afraid.

I remembered a co-worker saying to me, "If you are ever in trouble, just call on Jesus and you will be saved."

I kept trying to say his name but my mouth was clamped shut. I kept trying. It was slowly working. I managed to get out His name and immediately I was released. There were no physical effects of the incident, which played with my mind because I started to think it didn't happen. However, this was so traumatic. I remember looking up and seeing a red flag flying over my head. (I would soon realize I was seeing in the spirit, because there was no light and it was pitch black in that house. How would I have seen it otherwise?)

I still didn't know what to do. I grabbed my phone and realized that it was 3:24 a.m., two minutes later from when I last looked. I ran out of my house and sat on the front porch talking to my mom on the phone till dawn.

For the next two years I would go through serious torment at night. I was scarred to death to go to bed. I knew they were coming - demons. Don't ask me how I knew, but I knew that's what they were. They smelled and I could feel them in a dead sleep. Sometimes it was all I could do to say the name "Jesus." (They clamped my mouth shut.) They would always leave when I could say His name, but it was getting tiresome and NO ONE could help me. I asked pastors, friends, Christians, etc. Nothing!

They said things like, "Wow, that must be scary," then change the subject.

Or "You'd be surprised at how many people deal with this. Hang in there." (pat on the back - sad face.)

I was beside myself.

My Day of Deliverance
One day I met a man who said, "Oh that's a spirit of fear. You need deliverance and your prayer language." At that time I thought, I don't need a prayer language, but whatever you say, I will do. I'm desperate and I'M TIRED!

Every appointment I set up I had to cancel, because I had bad migraines right before our meeting. The third time that I tried to cancel, the man said, "No, I'm praying for you and then you're driving over here." So I did with  much less of a headache then before he prayed.

About two hours later, I was light as a feather - free from fear and who knows what else. I had doors open for the enemy through sin. Those doors were shut and I also received my prayer language.

Now I was raised in church, three times a week. I knew the Bible and I knew about Jesus, but I did not know about the spirit realm. I did not know about deliverance and demons. Of course, I heard of them and read about them, but nobody ever talked about it in the Christian circles I was a part of.

Staying Free
I'd like to say that the torment stopped completely, but the man who prayed with me said they (the demons) would try to come back. He said that when they did, just command them to go in Jesus name. Devils have to bow at the name of Jesus. (Philippians 2:10) Plus as a believer in Christ, I have authority over the devil. (Matthew 10:1) He was right, they tried to come back, I would kick them out. I would pray in the spirit. I would read my Bible until I knew they were gone.

One night I remember feeling them in my bedroom, but I was too tired to deal with it. I said, I'll get you in the morning. Wrong. They attacked me that night and I spent three hours praying afterward.

Let me tell you getting free is one thing. Staying free and winning the battle is another thing. During that time I was growing in the spirit, getting stronger. Those devils finally left me alone. They never come back because I believe they are SCARRED OF ME!! I will tell them where to go! And I'm not afraid of them or the dark.

Do You Need Freedom?
If you are struggling with torment at night, which I know can come in many forms, not just fear - you are not alone. More than likely, you are sensitive to the spirit realm and have a prophetic call on your life! Don't let the devil win. He's a liar. Keep pressing on. In the end, we win!

Why I had to battle so long, I don't know. But I can tell you, I have been strengthened. Now I also have experiences with the Lord at night and lots and lots of dreams. The devil was trying to steal that from me, but he didn't win.

Don't let the devil win! Claim victory over your sleep life. Seek the Lord to see what doors, if any, are open in your life. Repent if you have to. And then cast that devil out of your bedroom and out of your life. Pray until you feel the atmosphere shift. Those demons eventually get tired and go somewhere else.

I'm believing for a victory for you! Share it if you've had victory in your sleep life.

- Jaimee