Sunday, September 1, 2013

Pieces of the Puzzle

There we were; getting ready for a road trip; the cool air of the wee early morning. The sun was still a long way from its appearing in the sky. As we walked out the front door, bags in hand, I felt the excitement of the open road. I threw my bags in the back seat as Bill loaded the trunk. As I'm going over the checklist in my mind, I hear Bill rambling on something about Peter and Luke 24. Just as he says one of his famous one liners, I looked over my shoulder and asked him to repeat what he just said. 

He paused for a moment, as if to ask himself if he was thinking out loud again, and said," I don't know. What did I just say?" 

I say, "It was something about Peter. Yeah! Luke 24" 

And that's all we could remember. In that moment Bill reminded me of my grandfather. He always seemed to have this ongoing talk within himself. Some of the things that I would overhear him say, while most of the time were hilarious, often had a profound affect on my life and how I viewed the world around me. 

Bill and I walked down the road in front of the house for a while thinking about Peter and that chapter in the book of Luke. 

Were not our hearts burning within us ... Luke 24:32

Then I woke up! 

It was a dream. Yeah, Bill Johnson and I were going on a road trip. While I've met other great preachers in my dreams, this one had great significance as Bill is one of the most influential in my life. Over the last few years, I've meet Kathryn Kuhlman, Oral Roberts, Justin Abraham, Ian Clayton, Julie Meyer, James Goll, Joshua Mills, and a few others in my dreams. I plan to write about these meetings. I am realizing that all these dreams are pieces of a puzzle that fit together to make a big picture. 

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. Proverbs 25:2 

As we know, God often talks in riddles and dark sayings, and He does this to broaden our understanding of how He speaks and who He is. I want to write about all these dreams and experiences over the next few months to give you a better understanding of how to put together and interpret the messages God gives us and what they mean in our lives. I'm beginning to understand that through all the ups and downs in our walk with Jesus that He is always speaking. We may get a word here and a verse there. We may have an occasional dream or what seems to be a piece of a vision or a passing thought. These are often small pieces to a much bigger puzzle that God is always putting together. And suddenly a season comes where seemingly all of the cosmic tumblers fall right into place and you find yourself under a torrent of information that God is downloading into your brain. Its like for a day or so the windows of heaven open to bring clarity to all of the pieces that you have been accumulating over the past few weeks, months or sometimes years. I call it ,"riding the wave." 

At the beginning of Rick Joyner's book, "The Final Quest," he states that the book is written from a series of dreams and experiences that he had over a period of time. This happens with a lot of prophetic people, and I believe it happens in a lot of lives more than we know. It is my goal in this series of blog postings to help bring understanding to how this process takes place. I want to take you on a journey that I believe at times will be very transparent, but very necessary for my growth and those in the body that God will speak to in this way. I know as some of you read this God will begin to speak to you in this way, if He is not already. I should say that He is already speaking to you in this way, and that now is the time to get understanding. 

- Nathan