Monday, September 16, 2013

Planning a Trip to Heaven

I plan on visiting heaven before I die.

Most Christians believe you go there after you die, and I believe that is true for those who believe in Christ. However, there are scripture references confirming its possible to go there before you die.

Paul said he knew of a man who was caught up in the third heaven (2 Corinthians 12:2). The book of Revelation is John's experience in heaven where the the Lord says "Come up here" (Revelation 4:1). 

As Christians, our citizenship is in heaven, (Philippians 3:20) and we are seated in heavenly places (Ephesians 1:20). We are even told to set our hearts and minds on things above (Colossians 3:1,2). These references are not talking about when we die. They are present tense - meaning right now! 

So the question is, if I believe that heaven is my home and I'm seated there, then why haven't I ever been there? And how do I get there during my earthly life? 

These are questions that I ponder and don't necessarily know the answers to, but I'll at least give you a few thoughts that I've had that lead to some sort of possible conclusion.

Currently, I'm reading the book, "Heaven Is So Real" by Choo Thomas. It's a true story of how Jesus visited her regularly for a number of years and took her to heaven. You don't find too many stories like this. Usually folks visit heaven during a near-death experience. In fact, there are many accounts of those.

So back to my questions. I'm going to state some thoughts and more questions first.

1.  I know that the Father knew me before I was in my mother's womb (Jeremiah 1:5). He created me (Genesis 1:27). He lives in heaven (Isaiah 66:1). So could it be possible that I am very familiar with heaven? As in, I was there before I was born on earth?

2. And as I mentioned earlier, the bible says we're seated in heavenly places. So I'm on earth and in heaven at the same time. I live in two different realms. Does it depend on which one I engage with the most that seems the most real? Or is the reality that heaven is so real, but because of sin, my spiritual eyes are so clouded that I don't see clearly making a mistake that earth is in fact very real and heaven is too far off? 

3. Jesus taught the disciples to pray "on earth as it is in heaven." We can do that by declaring the truth of the kingdom on earth and releasing it because out of our bellies flow rivers of living water (John 7:38). So can we release heaven from our bellies? So if we release heaven and carry the very essence of it because of Christ inside of us, we have the power to bring heaven to earth. 

4. The bible also says that the increase of His government will see no end (Isaiah 9:7). Is it possible that if every Christian really believed they had access to heaven and the power to bring it to earth and engage in that realm daily, that we would aid in increasing His government on earth?

5. Faith is the substance of things not seen. Many of us have not seen Jesus with our physical eyes, but we believe and receive by faith that He is our Savior. What if we indeed believed that the father was calling us to "Come up here?"

So, what if one way to go to heaven is just by believing I can? Truly believing and wrapping my heart around the above concepts and thoughts? Then engaging in truths about heaven through my imagination? For instance, seeing myself seated in heavenly realms. What if the imagination is the highway to heaven and faith is the vehicle by which you travel? Could this be the beginning of a trip to heaven?

What are your thoughts on visiting heaven while still living on earth? Please share. Better yet, if you've been to heaven, I'd love to hear your story.



J. Peck said...

Check out Judy Franklin and Anna Roundtree. Wonderful resources. Going to heaven is your birth rite, and He wants you to go there.

Jaimee Bingle said...

I love Anna Rountree's books. I just finished "The Priestly Bride!" We have Judy Franklin's book here at the house. I've only read parts of it. I'll need to pick that up again! Thanks for the suggestions!