Saturday, October 12, 2013

Healing a Hot Hornet in a Dream

Last night I received healing in a dream. Perhaps you might call it deliverance, either way it's freedom in an area that desperately needed God's touch!

The last two days I have had a headache and I have been angry. I didn't even realize what I was carrying around with me. Well, it escaladed in the middle of the night, which ended up with me having the most tormenting thoughts, thoughts that were not my own. As I engaged them, I went down the rabbit hole and found myself trying to sleep with steam coming out of my ears. This was unusual anger and something I'd never felt before. It was so bad that I didn't even think to call on God to help me out of this mess. I eventually fell asleep hot as a hornet.

I had the most vivid dream of me puking at a family member's house. I puked up three balls of mucus-like oatmeal. (Gross, I know. I probably should have put a disclaimer on this post.) Then as I finished vomiting, I felt so much better and lighter. I literally woke up sweating, but feeling so much better and headache-free. Now the things I was mad about seemed so laughable. And I immediately knew the meaning without even thinking about it.

The vomit was symbolic of spitting up a spirit. The three balls represented three generations and I was able to pin point where this spirit came from. I started to piece all these conversations together that I had had over the years and encounters I'd witnessed with certain people. I had just been tormented by the spirit of anger and perhaps rage and who knows what else. It came from my generational bloodline. (Generational bloodlines are another blog. I won't get into that here.)

The day before, I had been asking the Lord to reveal to me where this headache was coming from because nothing would help me get relief. This morning, I sat with God talking to him about this dream, thanking Him for revealing these things to me and healing me.

God can do many things through dreams; counsel, communicate, direct, instruct, make covenants, warn, tell the future and even impart gifts. God asks Solomon in a dream what he wants. Solomon asks for wisdom, and this is how God responds to him:

Behold, I have done according to your words. Behold, I have given you a wise and discerning heart, so that there has been no one like you before you, nor shall one like you arise after you. 1 Kings 3:12 

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul talks about the gifts and one of them is wisdom, another is healing. I believe God can impart any gift to us in a dream. I'm open to whatever He wants to do.

Have you ever received healing in a dream? I also found another testimony of a woman who received healing in a dream. It was even medically verified.