Saturday, January 25, 2014

Dream within a Dream

A couple of years ago the Lord began taking me on this crazy journey of meeting different people in my dreams at night. All of the people I dreamed about were very influential preachers, either alive or passed on. One of the first people that I interacted with in the first dream I had in this series was Kathryn Kuhlman. This was actually a dream within a dream. I've never had this happen before or since then. 

I happen to have the book Bible-Based Dictionary of Prophetic Symbols For Every Christian 
by Dr. Joe Ibojie. He says, "To dream of dreaming means receiving a deeply spiritual message, or a much more futuristic message." 

At the time of this dream I was working at a ministry called Teen Challenge. The dream was very simple and short. I was on the phone with Kathryn Kuhlman and I was talking to her about all of the leaders at Teen challenge. People like Dave Wilkerson and others. She seemed vaguely interested in what I was saying. Actually, she seemed very uninterested in what I was saying. Then I woke up from that dream, but was still dreaming. Now I'm in another dream at work. I went to my pastor and director of Teen challenge and telling him excitedly about how I was talking to Kathryn Kuhlman in a dream and his response was a lot like hers, disinterested. I then woke up for real this time.

A little insight into Kathryn Kuhlman, she was a great Charismatic preacher in the 70's who often demonstrated the raw power of God in her meetings. She was well know for her intimacy with Holy Spirit and great healing miracles. One of the greats, Benny Hinn, modeled his ministry after her. I've included a video of her below.

Now back to the dream I had, I thought it was interesting how neither one (Kathryn or my boss) were interested in the other. It was like it was two conflicting interests. At this time in my life and ministry I often felt torn between two worlds. While I loved working at Teen Challenge I often had different points of view on ministry than the others that I was working with. They were disinterested in what I was interested in. I think this dream was a symbol of where I was at and where I was going. This was a great time of growth and character building in my life.  I went on to meet a lot of other people in my dreams of which I told you a little about in my last blog. I plan on going through these dreams with you all because I feel like they are apart of a larger message that God has. 

Who are you hanging with in your dreams? I'm curious.