Thursday, January 30, 2014

Last Night I Had A Dream eBook Released

I’ve always been a dreamer. When I was a little girl, I would tell my mom about my dreams every morning while eating breakfast. I’d always start off with, “Last night I had a dream …”

After I was finished, my mom would laugh because they were silly. Then, she’d say, “You have such a vivid imagination.”

I knew the biblical stories of men and women receiving communication from God through dreams, but it never occurred to me that God could speak to me through dreams. Now, I know it’s true, as I have many dreams that have given me direction, encouragement, warning, healing and even a few laughs. Yes, some of my dreams are still as crazy as ever!

I do not consider myself an expert in dreams or even someone who interprets them. I’m just someone who dreams a lot and talks to God about them all. However, I do believe that I can guide any dreamer as they talk to God about their dreams. He’s the one who holds the interpretation, according to Genesis 40:8. Plus, it helps the dreamer to learn how to hear from God for themselves.

Sometimes, I wake up and know exactly what my dream means. Other days, I ponder it all day, and occasionally, I have a dream that stumps me. I file those dreams away and believe that God will remind me when it’s time. It’s like being a little kid who puts together puzzles every day, except it’s more than that. These puzzles can bring meaning to your life if you are willing to search them out.

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. Proverbs 25:2 NAS

I feel that many people miss out on dream communication with God because they are too busy to pay attention to their dreams, or worse, they don’t believe that God speaks through them. So, I wrote a short and to-the-point eBook called "Last Night I Had a Dream" for two reasons:

1. To show the importance of dreams as a way in which God pursues us and communicates to us

2. To teach others how to talk to God about their dreams and receive understanding from Him

As you read this eBook, I believe you will begin to see biblical foundation and importance for dreaming. It will increase your faith to receive dreams from God and the confidence to interpret with the Holy Spirit as your guide. You’ll see that God is pursuing you all the time, even in your sleep. It is an expression of His love toward you!

Purchase your copy of Last Night I Had A Dream today!

Don't forget to check out my other eBook, "Life on the Fringe."