Saturday, February 1, 2014

Casting Out Devils is Normal Christianity

I have always been curious about the supernatural. However, I try to be careful about what I read and watch. Meaning, I don't go looking for ghost stories or exorcisms. I like to try to keep my mind on heavenly things that line up with the promises of God. However, I couldn't pass up reading this recent story from the IndyStar about a woman and her children who were tormented by demons called The Exorcisms of LaToya Ammons.

It is by far the craziest account I have ever heard reported in the media with witnesses like priests, police, social workers, nurses, etc. The story entails a demonized family with children levitating, walking up walls, oil leaking from blinds, wet footprints, and the list goes on. It's really worth the read, whether you believe in this type of stuff or not.

After finishing the article, I couldn't help but feel a little righteous anger that this family was tormented like this. Also, that they had to wait so long to find help. This woman lost her children for a period of time and her home because she couldn't find help. There are churches on every corner in America, they all should have been able to offer help. Folks, RECOGNIZING DEVILS and CASTING THEM OUT is NORMAL CHRISTIANITY. How do I know this? Because Jesus said to do it.

Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils: freely ye received, freely give. Matthew 10:8

This story really gives insight into the lack of spiritual maturity in many churches today. After a period of time, Ammons was able to find a priest willing and able to help. Thank you Catholic Church! Though the whole "putting a cross on someone's head" and tossing out Holy water all over the place isn't where the power came from for their deliverance. Jesus and the authority that He gives to believers is the only authority that can cast out devils. It is Jesus that gives Christians authority to defeat the enemy.

I am by no means an expert on exorcisms/deliverance, but my husband and I have practiced casting out demons. About three years ago, we were prayer leaders of our church and one Sunday we met a woman who had to be carried into the church. Her boyfriend said that she had been to doctors who ran tests and then claimed nothing was wrong. There was clearly something wrong with her. She couldn't walk, hold her head up or barely talk. I started praying for her and saw a picture of a witch. So I asked if she had been involved in any witchcraft. She said, no, but her ex-husband is a warlock who had recently killed her husband in front of her children. Right then, we knew we were dealing with the demonic. We started casting out spirits and she started convulsing. When we thought we were finished, she told us there were still more demons inside of her. We went for round two. By the end of the 30 minute or so prayer in our church sanctuary, she was smiling and laughing. We then talked to her son, who was talking in third person, saying things like, "We will kill God." He was not interested in being set free. To this day, we stay in contact with her. She still has problems with her children, but she is a spirit-filled believer and has grown deeper in her faith walk.

In another story, my husband got a black eye by a demonized man who just got released from prison. His grandfather brought him to Teen Challenge for help. (That is where  my husband worked at the time.) This demonized man kept saying he was God, talking in riddles, other languages and could not be contained. If anyone tried to hold him down, he would tell them about their life, freaking out those who tried to help out. Unfortunately, this man did not get set free that day and was asked to leave. That really bothered my husband for a long time and He sought the Lord for answers on that. In Nate's mind, that man should have been set free.

As Christians we need to be examples of Jesus and do what He said to do. SET PEOPLE FREE! I am currently reading Rick Joyner's book, Overcoming Fear, and he says, "Christians are called to fight evil on all the levels. However, we only  have spiritual authority to the degree that we abide in Him (Christ)."

I take this to mean, that while all Christians are called to cast out demons, not all of them can because of their lack of spiritual authority which comes by faith and abiding in Christ. If you don't believe you can do this, you will never try. And if you do try, and don't succeed, you should keep trying. The bible says we are moving from faith to faith. As we increase in that faith we will be promoted to new levels of authority and there will probably be new devils to fight too.

I know my husband and I are willing. We may fail at times, but we at least need to try to be the answers that people need. As Christians, we need to be ready to help. We need to exercise our authority in regards to casting out devils. I'm sure many of you have experienced the demonic, but may not have known it. In any case, ask the Lord to help you discern these situations and then bring help where it's needed.

What is your experience with deliverance ministry?  Do you have any encouraging stories of freedom to share?


Daylight said...

Your post just rekindled the flame in me! I'm a dreamer as well, and bought your book today! I love your writing style. I look forward to diving into your book! God bless!

Jaimee Bingle said...

Thanks Amber! I hope you enjoy it! Jaimee