Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Ultimate Thrilling Move of the Spirit

Surfer-photographer Clark Little captures
 this photo from inside the tube of a Hawaii wave,
he spot where the water curls over itself and forms
a huge tunnel of water. Riding inside these
tubes is considered the ultimate thrill in surfing. 

 Last week I had a very vivid dream that I would like to share.

I was in one of America's largest cities inside a 12-story office building. I don’t know why I was there. I happened to look outside the window and noticed a huge wave coming toward the shoreline. I wasn’t afraid and neither was anyone else. I thought to myself, I’m on the 10th floor. It shouldn’t make it that high up here and then it did. The water came in and rose above the ceiling, but I was in a tunnel or barrel, like what a surfer would be in when they are riding a wave. I could see light at the end of the tunnel and I kept thinking to myself, this is so cool. I need to take a picture because this is a once in a life-time experience. Then the wave passed. There was no damage to the building or fear by anyone. I went down the stairs and noticed everyone was back to work as normal. I walked outside and there were pools of water where children were playing and some areas were flooded. No one seemed to mind.

Here are some key things that really stood out to me about the dream.
  • 10th – earthly government
  • 12th – kingdom government
  • Wave – large move of the spirit
  • Tunnel – in the surf world it’s called a barrel or hollow. They don’t happen all the time, but when they do they are an unforgettable experience as told by many surfers.  

I feel like a move of the Spirit is coming that is above any earthly government. It is the kingdom government. This particular move will be an unforgettable/once-in-a-lifetime experience. Once it passes, there will be areas where there are pools to drink from and play in and some areas will be and remain flooded with the Spirit. I believe it will start in one of our nation's biggest cities.

A Decree and Declaration 
Lord I thank you for a mighty move of your Spirit in this country in this hour. I thank you for your government  increasing here on this earth. Thank you for an unforgettable, thrilling experience with you and your kingdom.