Sunday, February 16, 2014

Don't Change Your Path or Pace - A Directive From A Dream

Whatever happens in life, if the Lord has set you on a path with a pace, don't change it. He will give you all the tools you need to make it on this journey. Stay focused on Him and keep going! This is my most-recent advice to myself.

Two weeks ago I dreamed that I was walking through a park while I was praying out loud in tongues. I noticed that some people were running away from me. Some folks were laying along the side of the path and did not wake up. Then there was one man who noticed me and pointed a gun at me. I prayed in tongues even louder and he walked away. Then I started to walk into a small downtown and one man in particular was harassing me. Telling me that my tongue-talking wouldn't help me. I kept walking. It was the same picture though, some folks were running from me and some didn't notice. I prayed even louder so that the person who was harassing me would go away. He just laughed and kept bugging me. Then I woke up.

I believed the dream was pretty obvious. There were going to be some things that I would be walking through that would be a walk in the park and some things that wouldn't be so easy. However, I needed to be praying in the spirit. In 1 Corinthians 14, praying in tongues is a gift that edifies/improves oneself. I felt there was a time coming that would need to be strengthened. I took this dream as a directive from the Lord about my future and what I need to be doing during this time.

The people in the dream represent the demonic. Jesus commissioned the disciples to cast out devils. He also said that some only come out through prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). I believed the person in the dream that kept harassing me was one of those demons that required prayer and fasting.

So after this dream, I became more conscious about praying in tongues. I tried to pray in the spirit during my prayer time, while washing dishes, putting my make-up on in the morning, etc. Let me tell you .... the next week was the worst week I've experienced spiritually in a long time. I had tormenting thoughts, was moody, agitated, had horrible headaches, and the list goes on. I fasted for two days and it was by far, the worst fast I've ever participated in. I can honestly say, I wanted to die. I lost hope sporadically throughout that time, crazy stuff happened at work, relationships were challenged, etc. However, I knew that I knew that God had spoke to me and that I needed to pray in the spirit - AND that I would not die. I didn't in the dream. In fact, I kept on walking, never changing my pace or path. That meant that in the natural, I was going to succeed - never changing my path or pace toward the Lord and what I am called to do.

I am thankful for this dream and directive from God. I think I'm through the worst part of the storm and I know I'm stronger. What about you? Have you ever received directive from a dream?