Thursday, July 15, 2010

You Can't Always Get What You Want - But You Get What You Need

Recently my sister told me that she had a dream about her boyfriend. (I guess it's typical to occasionally dream about your boyfriend.) She says when she woke up, she immediately had a revelation about the dream. She called her boyfriend and told him.

He was excited because the night before he had been inquiring of God about his current situation. He asked God to give him a dream. While he expected to get the dream himself, God gave the dream and the revelation to my sister who had no idea that he had made some specific requests to God.

God is so out of the box. If I asked God for a dream I would probably expect to receive it myself too. Who knows why my sister received the dream and not her boyfriend. The point is - if I can refer to the lyrics of an old Rolling Stones song - "You can't always get what you want, but you get what you need."

Additionally in Matthew 7, Jesus, referring to the Father says, "Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?"

Meaning God isn't going to give you the opposite of something you need. He's a good father ALL THE TIME. And if I can quote one of my favorite ministerial leaders, Bill Johnson, "He's in a good mood."

In the case of my sister's boyfriend asking for answers, God gave him answers. He just got those answers differently then he thought he would.

What can I say, God doesn't always do things the way we think he should. Thank God, because I definitely know He is smarter than me. He always blows my mind and does it better than I can ask, think or imagine!

Have you ever had a dream for someone that gave them answers that they needed? Or perhaps you've had a very different approach of getting a prayer answered then how you thought it should or would have been answered?