Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sugarplums, Airplanes and Basketball

Though I've been sleeping in a different bed in a different state the last few days, I've still managed to have dreams. So out is the theory that you have to be in your own bed and on a schedule with a certain amount of sleep to dream. It really is as easy as just closing your eyes and dreaming.

Though I must say with all the sweets and salty treats I've been eating there has been no sugar plums dancing or Santa Claus visits in my dreams. My dreams have been just as regularly weird as usual. They have been harder to remember though.

The other night I dreamt I was trying to get on an airplane, but had to be launched up into the air to get the plane that was floating up above. My friend and I had, along with all the other passengers, a hard time getting shot up high enough to get inside the plane. We'd go up real high then fall into a summersault on the way back down to the ground. That is serioulsy an unusual way to board, no doubt.

So we were rerouted to another airport, but first we had to stay overnight in a hotel room. I couldn't sleep I kept getting up and looking out the window, waiting or looking for someone. I don't remember.

I also had another dream that I was at a basketball game eating popcorn in the bleachers (one of my favorite snacks!) and one of the players really liked me. I think I liked him back, but I do know I liked his attention. He paid a lot of attention to me when he was running back in forth, but he was also able to score lots of points and pay attention to the game.

Then somebody came over and told me, "Do you know how old that guy is?" and I said, "No." The person said, "He's 18." And I was like, "So." Then the person said, "Yeah but you are in your 30's. That is gross!" And said, "I am?" Then I realized I really was in my 30's and was like, "What am I doing?" Then I started freaking out in the dream and wondering what was wrong with me.

I'm not sure what either of these dreams mean, if anything. I haven't even deciphered who they are from. Maybe I should stop eating Christmas cookies all day so I can have some clarity! :)


Steph Merryfield said...

Hello Rockstar:

The youthfullness of the ballplayer (games) and your indecision of whether you liked him or not may be the real subject of this dream. You were resolute that you enjoyed the attention from him. Clearly, you want that special someone. But your feelings of embarrassment after realizing his age may point to your realization that while he may have some qualities, athletic, in the "game", and adoring he was juvenile. His age may also suggest that you may have been settling on something. Remember Abigail and Nebal (foolish)? The Apostle Paul said,"...when I was a child, I spoke as a child, and behaved as a child...but now I have put away childish things." I discern that you are far more mature that you may know yourself. Sometimes we need to be reminded by those closest to us of how precious we are in the kingdom of God. Unless you're looking to be a life time coach to a player, keep moving away from choices you've made in the past. A brighter future is ahead.---Sage