Monday, October 26, 2009

Angels Ascending and Descending in my Bedroom

This past weekend I visited the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri (IHOP). This place is pretty cool as they have 24/7 prayer and worship going in their prayer room. They're also known for their phrophetic ministry.

I signed up to receive prophetic ministry while I was there. One of the words I received consisted of dreams. Go figure.

The girl asked me, "Do you dream?" And I said, "Yes."

She then began to tell me how she saw me interceding in my sleep; that while I was sleeping I would be praying.

I thought, "That's cool."

Last night I had a dream that I was cleaning my bedroom and I was behind the bed sweeping up dust. Someone was in the room with me, but I don't know who. (Probably Holy Spirit.) He kicked some dust mixed with small white feathers toward me. I got a little aggitated, because I had just cleaned that area.

Then I walked around the other side of the bed and saw more white feathers on the floor. Then I saw a big white feather shoot right through the window. The window was closed. Then when I looked down on the floor again I saw tons of huge feathers. When I went to pick them up they were all connected like pom poms. I thought that was odd. Then I looked outside the window and saw more white, fluffy feathers on the ground.

I thought to myself, "Is this a bird? Nah. Then I thought could this be an angel?"

When I woke up I thought about the dream and thought Genesis 28:12.

He had a dream, and behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.

We know that this dream represents the supernatural realm where the angels ascend and descend picking up prayer requests on earth, taking them to God. Then God dispatches the angels again to earth to carry out their assignments and the cycle repeats.

I immediately thought of my prophecy about intercession during the night. That would mean that angels ascend and descend into my room -taking my prayer requests up to the Father -constant in and out.

If you go further and read Genesis 28:16, 17 it says:

Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it." 17 He was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven."

Did you catch the end of that - "this is the gate of heaven." An opening, portal, etc.

Funny, I've been praying for about a year that God would open up a portal over my house. Ha could this be happening?

I prayed that God would open up his gates of heaven over my house. Would it be that he would actualy would do it - sending angels in and out to receive my intercession, take it to the Father and come back on assignment through my bedroom?

Yup, he'd do it.