Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm Going to be a Mother - Mother of IDEAS

I'm not a mother, but I plan on being one soon. So in honor of Mother's Day, I'm blogging about birth. You've got to give birth in order to earn the title of 'mother.' In the natural, I'm not even close to giving birth. In the spirit - well, that's a different story.

"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth [new birth]; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert."
Isaiah 43:19 NAS

Recently I had a dream that I was pregnant, and this isn't the first time. In the last three years I've probably had two or three dreams about pregnancy. After this last one, I have to say I was extremely excited when I woke up. I'll tell you why, but first, here's the actual dream from my journal.

April 19

I'm pregnant and going to the hospital by myself. I have a huge, huge belly. I'm not in pain, but I am discomforted because of how large my belly is. I ask the nurses when the baby is coming. They hook me up to a machine and they get a reading that says, 1:04. They show me the reading. I say, "That is like eight hours away." The nurses then show me where the drugs are and tell me I can take them if I need them. I'm not even in pain, but I'm so ready to birth this baby.

When I woke up I immediately remembered a prophecy I received from John Mark Pool nearly two months prior. I ran to my little notepad that I keep in my purse, which has turned into a prophetic notepad (since prophetic words are all I've recorded in it.) On Feb. 24 he said I was, "pregnant with triplets, no sextuplets and they were multiplying."

Typically pregnancy in dreams or prophecy represents, 'in process.' Labor pains would represent, 'trials.' In the dream I didn't have any pains, but if I did I had access to drugs or the 'answer' to the trial if one came up. Like the prophecy of multiple babies, I was in my own words, "huge, huge," probably with multiple babies.

As far as, when will I give birth? The answer lies in 1:04 which is what I saw in the dream. I'm not sure what this means yet, but it could mean January 4 which is about eight months away from the date that I had this dream. I said in the dream, "That is like eight hours away." Perhaps the eight hours instead means eight months? I'm not sure. It could also be a scripture verse. I've looked up Prov 1:4 and Psalm 1:4. Neither verses really stuck out at me. I guess I could go and look up every 1:4 verse in each chapter of the Bible. Though I don't really feel led to do that.

What am I birthing? How about a baby! Babies represent: new beginning, new idea, new work, dependant, helpless, innocent, sin, natural baby.

Well it's obviously in the natural I am not pregnant. I am not even someone who is excited about that at this time ,or someone who even gives pregnancy much thought. Additionlly, I was at the hospital by myself. There was no father. Another confirmation that it's not a natural pregnancy. So I know it's definitely a spiritual thing.

I'd say that the baby represents a new idea. I'm excited because the prophecy and the dream both indicated multiple births, thus multiple ideas.

In the dream I was 'discomforted,' which definitately represents my natural state of feeling antsy, tired, unsatisfied and maybe just a little hormonal. The same symptoms of a pregnant lady. One good thing about a spiritual birth, you don't gain weight! And I'm all for that.

In summary:

I'm about to give birth to multiple ideas potentially around the new year. (I'm still not sure about the timing.) There won't be many trials or pain in this spiritual birthing, but if there is, I'll have access to the answers and drugs. In the meantime, I'll just wait, relax and try to get comfortable like any pregnant lady would do while she awaits delivery.

In closing:
Happy future Mother's Day to me!


Tamie said...

A while back ago I had a dream that I was in a delivery room and had given birth to a baby boy. The doctor was not releasing me or the baby from the delivery room so I got impatient, took the baby and went back to my own room. I believe the dream was about my impatience with growing in the ministry the Lord is giving me :-)

I often dream about babies too.

Jaimee Bingle said...

I'd think the same thing if I had that dream.

I get excited when I have pregnant dreams because it usually means I'm getting ready to birth something new!