Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Want Me to Prophesy at Your Wedding? :)

A few days ago I had a dream that I was at a bunch of wedding ceremonies sitting in the church pews with the other guests.

Now the surprising part for me was that I was enjoying myself. Strange because in the natural I'm not all that excited about weddings. I never used to be that way, but let's just say that when you've averaged about four weddings a year in 10 years, the excitement fades away. I'm just expressing my current overall feelings looking back on a decade of invites, bubbles, cake and I do's. I could on and on about why I feel this way, but that's not the point of this posting.

In case you're wondering - Yes, (ah-um)I had a great time at your wedding!

So now that you have somewhat of an understanding of how I feel about weddings in the natural,I find it odd that I would have a dream about myself enjoying weddings. Though the dream went on. I kind of knew the couples getting married, but not really. My role in the weddings was to prophesy over the bride and groom's married life.

Now I have to say in all the weddings I've ever been to, I've never seen prophecy as part of the ceremony. As I began to think about the dream, I was like, hmmm. That would be really cool. Actually how cool would that be, if on your wedding day you and your new spouse got a word about your live's together from God? I mean, what if the way we do weddings (generally speaking in the U.S.) changed by adding another tradition? So just like you'd hire a pianist, minister, florist, etc., you'd hire someone to prophesy over you as part of your ceremony?

The more I thought about it. The more I thought, yeah that would be really cool. Why don't people do that? Why have I never seen that? Then it dawned on me, because the western church overall doesn't teach or operate in prophecy very often if at all.

Do you know what prophecy is? I just found out about three years ago and I'd been faithfully going to church since I was born! I'd heard of it, but never really learned about it or saw it operating.

The main purpose of prophesy is to edify, exhort and comfort. (1 Cor 14:3) It is not your opinion. It is not harsh, pushy, controlling, manipulative or critical. It has nothing to do with tarot cards, psychics or palm readings. It is "speaking the truth in love," (Eph. 4:15) to "encourage one another and build up one another." (1 Th 5:11) True prophecy must reflect the truth of the Word of God and the nature of Jesus Christ. (Rev. 19:10)

In this case, the couple would receive a message of hope, a positive outlook for their marriage concerning the Word of God. What a great way to start a marriage that is supposed to include Him anyways!

Anybody have any thoughts? Anybody ever been to a wedding where the bride and groom received a prophetic word as part of the ceremony? Anybody want to hire me to come prophesy over them at their wedding? You'd make my dream come true - literally. :)


Tamie said...

I have heard of it. I think James Goll talked about prophesying at weddings. That would be nice... also a wedding in a dream could represent something else too :-)

Jaimee Bingle said...

I love James Goll's teachings!

Yes a wedding can represent convenant and agreement. (Eph 5:31,32)

Thanks for posting.