Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Continued Dreams: Part 2 Better Than Part 1

A while back I had a dream that I fell down a hill in front of my college football team. Last night I had a dream I was looking for the hill where I fell down. I found the spot but the hill was flattened and the football team wasn't practicing at the moment. It was like part 2 of my dream. The actual happy ending part. Praise God I wasn't left hanging looking like a fool.

Even as I write the dream it could signify growth in my life, getting over a hurdle or past blunder. It was embarrassing at the time, but now the remnants of that embarassment doesn't even exist. It's all been removed (the football team) along with the stumbling block (hill).

I'd say that's a pretty good dream right there. Anybody else ever have a part 2 of a previous dream? Better or worse ending?


Tamie said...

No, I haven't had continuation of previous dreams, just a lot of recurring themes. Thats interesting though.

Anonymous said...

Yes. My dreams continue all the time.