Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Receiving a New Coat - What Does It Mean?

Receiving a coat in a dream can be a good thing. Besides who doesn't like to receive? I do. I do.

Check out my friend's dream:

I had a dream last night about receiving a new overcoat. There was a large group of people that I knew in the early 80s at LDM (Last Days Ministries) and we where all receiving new overcoats. There where tailors there and they where measuring us and fitting us with our new coats. I had an old overcoat on, but I was also going to receive a new coat. The over coats where beige, full length all the way to the floor and had a strange narrow waste.

Upon reading this dream I am immediately reminded of Joseph and the colored coat his father gave him. (Gen 37:3) Just like Joseph, I feel like my friend is favored, and a favorite.

A coat can signify several things: covering, annointing, authority, protection. (2 Kings 2:14,15 When Elisha received the mantle of Elijah)

Now as far as the other people, I didn't feel that they had anything to do with the dream. So I told my friend this in an email, he disagreed.

That is totally O.K. with me. God is talking to the person receiving the dream not me. If it resignates in my friend's spirit, that is what matters. I realize that I'm not always the interpreter, but sometimes I'm the person who asks questions and guides the dreamer on how to understand or receive revelation given by God through a dream.

Ok back to the rest of the interpretation.

I also felt God was saying something through the name of the ministry - Last Days Ministries.
I feel like my friend is probably one of the chosen people that God is rising up in the last days to walk in authority and power.

I say to my friend - "Get excited! Looks like you're getting a promotion or perhaps a mantle! And so are all your friends in the dream. No worries you'll all be fully protected (floor-length coat), but it will probably be a narrow path (narrow waste).

As far as the color, colors are symbolic too. Brown usually represents death or born again. Maybe a group of people rising up that will be dead to self? I've also seen this color represented as a season of change.

Anybody else have a different revelation on this dream for my friend? Or would you like to share a dream where a coat was significant to you?


Tamie said...

I agree with your interpretation, I also think it is like a new mantle and would pay attention to the colors of the coat.

Erin K. said...

I had a dream not too long ago that had several parts, and in two of those parts I was wearing a coat. (A different coat in each part.)

I prayed a lot over that dream because there were a ton of symbols, and I feel like God revealed some key things to me that I needed to know for that immediate time.

However, after reading this post, God gave me some new revelation about the coats. I won't go into all of the details, but one of the coats had a tag in the back that had a "12" on it. At first I thought that might refer to some type of negative experience I had at age 12 that would be a root cause of some negative issues in my life. But now I believe it refers to the first prophecy I ever received, when I was 12. The prophecy spoke of annointing, authority, and favor that God had given me.

The coat in my dream was also soiled on the bottom, like it had gotten into mud. I was so worried about it being dirty, and was ashamed that I messed it up. It seems that God is telling me 1) to go back to the prophecy and "put it on" again because the annointing, authority and favor still apply, and 2) not to worry about areas where I've messed up - my mess ups don't nullify the prophecy.

Thanks for blogging about this - God definitely used it to open up a new dimension of this dream to me!

Anonymous said...

I had a dream the other night that was really short. I know sometimes
even the short dreams are important. Any way,I was in a guitar shop
playing this guitar and Bill Johnson from Bethel sat down to my left and
picked up a guitar and started playing. We never talked or even
aknowledeged each other. As I was playing, I ...noticed that Bill started
playing along with what I was playing. Then he got up. I didn't know
where he was going but I asumed that he was going to talk to one of the
people that worked at the store. When he came back I realized that he
had asked one of the workers to play Stevie Ray Vaughn over the speakers
through out the store. We were both playing along with the music when I
woke up!