Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Time For a Potty Break

Some people might think this is gross to talk about, but oh well.

Today's blog post is - Using the toilet.

I can just hear my mother now, "Jaimee, grow up."

In her eyes I'm rebellious. In mine, I'm just speaking about things that happen in life all the time. (Good thing she doesn't read my blog.)

In the last several months I"ve had five or six dreams about going to the bathroom. I should probably mention that I've maintained a dry bed too during this time period. :)

According to "Understanding the Dreams You Dream" by Ira Milligan, here's what urinating means:

Urinating - Spirit Full Bladder - pressure, compelling urge, temptation. Bladder Infection/Cancer - Offense, enmity (Provers 17:14, 1 Samual 25:22)

"God what pressure is building in my life, urge or temptation?" That's what I've been asking Him to reveal to me. I feel like I have gotten some answers. Though I'm not going to share. (I've got to hold on to some secrets.) So let's look at another toilet dream.

My Friend's Toilet Dream

She dreamed that she was in her bed in her bedroom and a toilet was right in the middle of the bed. She was puzzled at first, but when we started talking about it, she mentioned that she spends time with God in her bed journaling. A bed means rest and a bedroom is a place of intimacy. She felt that God was showing her that she had some areas that needed healing, but the good news was she could flush it away all the junk when she was in her intimate place with Him.

I love that dream. See your mind isn't necessarily in the gutter if you dream about toilets or using them.

Anybody else have a toilet dream they want to share?

Next post - Taking a shower in your dreams


Tamie said...

I get the toilet dream, like the shower dream, frequently. I think it has to do with expelling, getting rid of that which doesn't belong.

I had one dream where I was in a basement that was being made into rooms. It was just framed out for a living room and a bedroom to be built. And I remember in the dream going over to an area of the living room to be where my computer was. I looked at it, and then I walked and urinated right across the living room floor. And then I had this sense that my "father" was coming down the basement steps and felt ashamed of what I had done. I took the dream as the Lord convicting me for the amount of time I was spending on the internet :-(

Jaimee Bingle said...

That's good. And yes I get the bathroom dreams more than I want to. God's always working on my righteousness that's for sure. Thanks for sharing.