Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Prophetic Word Speaks to the Body, Soul and Spirit

"But one who prophesies speaks to men for edification and exhortation and comfort."
1 Corinthians 14:3

I recently watched John Paul Jackson of Streams Ministries International on Benny Hinn's show This is Your Day. He shared a revelation that really spoke to me concerning the verse above. I'm going to paraphrase and add my own insights below.

We know that God is hope. (Romans 15:13) He always points to hope. Edification, exhortation and comfort take you to a place of hope.

Whenever you read about exhortation in the Bible it encourages a physical/bodily response and a change for that.

The same is true for comfort. It encourages the soul, intellectual woes/the mind.

Edification builds up/establishes spiritual issues. We see edification mentioned in the Bible in regards to speaking in tongues to build up our spirits.

We are beings made up of a body, soul and spirit. Prophesy speaks to these three areas - the totality of the person.

Anytime you receive a prophesy, you should feel exhorted, comforted and edified in at least one, if not all of these areas - body, mind and spirit. Your word should point to hope. God is hope.