Friday, January 2, 2009

If You Put it in the Trash - Leave it There!

This morning's dream was a little disturbing. Then I remembered who God was, "Nothing is too impossible for Him." Phil 1:13 So I'm taking this garbage to him - literally.

This morning's dream...

I was in my back yard digging through my trash can. What I was looking for I don't know.

Then the garbage man comes and picks up the trash can with me in it and puts me in the truck with the rest of the trash. We are the last stop and now we are travelling to the landfill. It takes forever to get there. In the meantime I am thinking, how the heck am I going to get out of this truck, and how am I going to get back home?

We get to the garbage dump and I jump out of the top of the truck before I get dumped in a pile with the rest of the trash.

There are people there celebrating a party for the garbage man's first day of work there. I tell them that I need help getting back to my house. A woman I don't know gives me $20 to get home. I decided to ask those in attendance for the party if they are headed to Mishawaka and if I can get a ride.

When I woke up I immediately thought - what I am trying to get back from my past that I have already thrown away(digging in trash can in my backyard)? What have I already given to God and now I want back? I immediately thought of a relationship that ended a while ago. Despite the ending of it - I've still thought about and perhaps have even dwelled on certain aspects of the relationship during my holiday vacation. This verse came to mind.

2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Perhaps the dream could be telling me that if I don't leave what I got rid of alone, I"ll end up dwelling on that trash which will eventually take me back to a bigger pile of mess. It could end up in a spiralling downturn of my emotions, thoughts and spiritualness. In this dream trash doesn't mean anything good. All it started with was a peek into the trash can, which turned into getting stuck on a truck and then ended up in the landfill. (Landfills usually represent rejection, evil, filth, etc.)

I believe a thought can be a piece of trash and if you dwell on it - it can take you places you don't want to go. Therefore, I am going to be conscience of this particular person in my thoughts, which means when I do think about this old relationship - I will stand on 2 Corinthians 10:5, which tells us to bring thoughts to Him that are not of Him. I will replace those thoughts with Truth.

I do realize that I am missing out on other representative symbols in the dream. Like the number 20 for instance - According to Ira Milligan's "Understanding the Dreams You Dream," 20 means: holy, tried and approved. I also believe the woman in the dream that I didn't know represents an angel. (I tend to believe that if I don't know the person or can't see their face, that may represent and angel in dreams.) She gave me 20 bucks to get out of the dump. I was tried and approved by God? Perhaps God was testing me in this thought pattern and I passed.

Either way, this dream has brought to light my recent thought patterns concerning this past relationship that has been tossed out. I am praying that God will remind me to take each these thoughts before Him. Eventually becoming completely free from the thoughts all together. I certainly do not want to end up in a garbage dump of emotions.


Anonymous said...

WOW! No Way! WOW! Have you ever considered that your dreams are not yours alone? There are just too many coincidences and frankly too much else in this post that really just blows me away. If you contact me I think I can show that you might have had that dream and posted it here just for me. I will be the first to admit that this sounds crazy but then the first few lines of your post take care of that. The way that I found your blog and this post in particular borders on amazing. (love that google) The dream that I had the night before I read this post. (I haven't had a dream in a long time and it was very memorable.) Memorable enough that when I saw your dream blog I sat up and took notice. Some of your unresolved symbols make plenty of sense to me.

Then you say, "I believe a thought can be a piece of trash and if you dwell on it - it can take you places you don't want to go."

How perfect is that? How exactly it fits into the context of my life last week. It's rarely the initial peek into the trash or the name of the person when it is first spoken, it's all of the thoughts that are attached to it and reactivated by thinking. I think the solution to it is immediate release whenever the name comes up. I do that by saying something like the following to myself, "I hope that she is doing well and that she is living the life of her dreams."

The past few days have been a bit of a roller coaster as I have been putting off writing this response. I was hoping that I would come back to your blog and see 40 other posts with people saying that they related to your dream the same way I did. If that had happened, I thought, I might have been able to dismiss it like an newspaper astrology report or something. No such luck. Keep up the great work with your dream blog and get in touch with me so I can explain the dream and our family connection.

Anonymous said...

Really good stuff, Jaimee. I mean the idea of the dream not the trash. I actually just found your dream blog...duh! Keep it coming.

Jaimee Bingle said...

Hi Mark,

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. My computer, was at Toshiba getting fixed. I just recently got her back.

I'm so glad my dream meant something to you! I'll e-mail you.