Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Meds and Food Effect Dreams

In the last six days I've had one strange dream. It's very rare for me to dream this little, but it happened. I'm thinking it's linked to my current sinus sickness. For the last five days I've been on the couch, hacking, snotting and hawking up phlegm. I know I just gave you a gross mental picture didn't I? As you can imagine I am taking all kinds of meds to clear up this mess. I think drugs do really have an effect on your dream and sleep life. I also think food does too. Medically I'm not going to get into all that, because that requires a lot of work; however, spiritually I'll provide some scriptures.

The Bible says that God gave the prophet Daniel understanding of dreams and visions of all kinds. It all started when he was brought to King Nebuchadnezzar's palace in Babylon to serve in the King's palace around 605 B.C. Those chosen were healthy, good-looking, well-educated Israelites who were trained in the Babylonian language and literature for three years.

In Daniel 1:8 it says "But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way."

Daniel and his three friends were shown favor and sympathy for their request. They were given water and vegetables for 10 days as a test. At the end of that time they looked healthier and better nourished than the other young men who ate from the king's table.

Daniel 1:17 "To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds. "

I think I can relate with this. As I reflect back on my dream journal for the last year, I did see an increase in dreams during the time when I was eating healthier (vegetables, small portions of meat, lower sodium and minimum refined sugar.)

Now while I think God will talk to you whenever he wants, regardless of a what you ate or what meds your on, I believe you have an increased chance of hearing from Him if you take care of yourself. Scripture also says that He will give a dream more than once - just so we can get it.

Job 33:14-16 "For God [does reveal His will; He] speaks not only once, but more than once, even though men do not regard it.15[One may hear God's voice] in a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men while slumbering upon the bed,16Then He opens the ears of men and seals their instruction."

God wants us to hear Him and he will keep trying, so it's OK if we miss Him sometimes. He gives grace for that and he loves us enough that he'll tell us again. I don't know about you, but if God is trying to talk to me, I don't want to miss it. I truly want to hear what he has to say, especially if it's a warning.

I'm considering changing my diet back to it's very healthy state. I have to say I'd never felt better then when I added more fruits and vegetables to my diet. Daniel was really on to something here.

So back to my one dream in six days. I dreamt that my co-worker got her hair cut short. That's it. All I saw in the dream was her with short hair standing there. Today I went back to work after nearly a two-week break and guess what? She had a new short hair cut!

Tomorrow I'm going to blog about my dream I had today during my 1 1/2 hour nap.