Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An Angel Told Me to Drink Water

Yesterday I dreamed of angels. I have to say with all the dreams that I have had, I have never dreamed of angels. So I'm going to censor the dream to some degree, because frankly it is quite personal. Here's the dream.

I am in my bed and I have these three half full water bottles near me. I drink them and then get out of bed. My mom and dad are in the other room with this man who has short, bright, red hair. I begin to talk to my mom. I say, "Mom I just can't understand why I have all these headaches." And she says, "I don't know either. I just don't know what to tell you." Right then the man interrupts and says, "Drink more water." Then it's like I get this revelation and am like, "Yeah, drink more water, hmmm."

Then he vanishes. I ask my parents what he was doing at the house and what they were talking to him about. They had no clue. I find it odd.

I then leave the house to go pick up this packet of information at this store. I get to the window and I say, "Yoohoo," because the place is dead. A women's voice answers from behind a partition. She says, "Here it is." Then all of a sudden this packet of papers floats over to me. I say thank you and leave. As I'm leaving this store, it dawns on me that papers floating are not normal. I start thinking about the events of the day and realize that I just had two encounters with angels - one I could see and one I couldn't. I go home and tell my parents and they say, "Yeah, you're right."

The next scene of the dream. I'm back in my bed. There are church people all around me, moving around and busily working or something. It's somewhat dark in the room. Right in the middle of a conversation with my friend, I see this big angel with wings walk right in front of my bed. We stop in mid conversation and I say, "Do you see that big angel?" He says, "Yup." I am then sucked out of my body - looking down and saying to my friend, "See ya later, I'm going to the throne room. And he calls back, "No fair, I want to go too."

I end up going up very fast through a dark portal. Then suddenly I'm in this warehouse which is set up like Sam's Club. I hear the Lord tell me, exactly where to go in the store. I maneuver around all these shoppers and I stand and do exactly what he tells me to do. Almost immediately some woman comes and starts talking real fast. I can hardly keep up. All I catch is that she's telling me about some radio job. I turn my head for a second and she vanishes, but there is another person in her place that is talking to me. I can't comprehend. Then there is another person that I can't understand. The Lord then tells me to leave. There is another place he wants to take me, but I have to get there before the passage way closes up. I get to the spot and I look at it and I say, "Lord, this is narrow and I'm not sure if there's anything on the other side." He doesn't answer, but I know that I"m supposed to go through it. Then I wake up.

So I ponder this for a day. Today I wake up and I have a slight headache. Immediately I look for some water. I have two half full bottles on the floor near my bed. I drink them and then I remember the dream from the day before. I also remember that I drank out of three half empty water bottles. So I get up and then find another half empty bottle on my kitchen table. I drink that. Needless to say throughout the day I drank water - remembering the angel's words, "Drink more water." I did not have a headache at all today.

I should mention that I have quite a few headaches and it's been something that's been happening a lot in the last year. Now I also have to mention that people have suggested to me to drink more water along with all kinds of crazy other ideas to try. So this isn't something that is earth shattering, I know. However, it just makes the dream personal from God to me. I like that he is personal.

It also reminds me of the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19. Elijah runs into the wilderness afraid for his life from Queen Jezebel. He ends up sleeping under a tree after asking God to take his life. During his sleep and Angel comes and wakes him and tells him to get up and eat.

"Then he looked and behold, there was at his head a bread cake baked on hot stones, and a jar of water. So he ate and drank and lay down again. 7 The angel of the LORD came again a second time and touched him and said, "Arise, eat, because the journey is too great for you." 8 So he arose and ate and drank, and went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mountain of God." 1 Kings 19:6-8.

This angel ministered to Elijah, preparing him with food and water before a journey. In my case I think this angel just ministered healing by telling what was wrong and how to fix it. I have actually prayed about this a lot. Some may be thinking, this is just a coincidence. Well maybe you see it that way. I don't believe in coincidences. By calling something a coincidence you basically discredit God in the way that he is speaking to you. But that is another blog for another time. I'm just going to keep drinking lots of water and keep eating healthy as well.

I'm not sure about all the other parts of the dream. Actually I haven't gotten that far to receive an interpretation. I'm sure that will come at a later time. Until then, I hope the part about being sucked up into a portal of heaven actually comes true - though we have Sam's Club here on earth so I'd like to experience a different scene - like God's throne room.


Anonymous said...

I can't really give you an interpretation (I found this looking for an interpretation of a dream I had) but I did want to say one thing. Three half-empty water bottles lying around? You should get a Nalgene bottle instead of buying bottled water. That way you'll always have water handy and you won't be adding to landfills. Also the plastic in disposable water bottles is way more likely to leak toxins into your water (if it's in a hot car, for example, or if you freeze it). Just a friendly tip.

Anonymous said...

hello jaimee, I felt a nudge from God to go to your profile and catch up and then go to the blog and read the angel and the water dream, nice, I think about water and drinking plenty of it as symtomatic of life, water enables cell reactions to ocurr in the body, Hope everything is going well for you, I think about you periodically and like tonight have talked to God about you, just asked him real softly to bless you, not just a little, but a whole lot, like a big huge blessing. Be good, have fun, love and release that joy. blessings Robert Butler