Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dreaming Without Seeing

Last week I was talking to one of my friends about a dream she had. She was wondering what it meant. We then started talking about the actual way that she had the dream. I've always thought that a dream was visual - kind of like an imaginary, fantasy movie reel in your mind. Here's how my friend described her dream experience.

"My dream was less a picture and more an experience. Not an out-of-body experience, but a real time experience. My thoughts and feelings and perceptions were as if I were going through it right as it was happening. In thinking back, it was more thoughts and perceptions and emotions (fear, loss, hope.)"

I was really surprised. I'd never really thought to ask someone how they sensed their dream. I've always just thought that everyone dreams the same way - by seeing.

Now in the realm of prophecy we can feel, hear and see. If you are a "seer", you will see pictures in your mind. If you are a "hearer," you will "hear" what the Spirit says. If you are a "knower/ feeler," you just seem to know something and it feels right but you can't explain to anyone how you know, you just know.

Dreams are a part of prophecy, but I never thought that just like prophecy you could hear and feel during a dream and not see. I guess God instructs in the middle of the night how he wants.

I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. Psalm 16:7

How do you experience dreams? I’m assuming most people see, but anybody out there have dreams without seeing? Who knows, perhaps this experience my friend had was some type of other experience and not a dream at all.


Nathan said...

I awoke last night to the sound of the loudest lightning I ever heard. The strange thing was that it wasn't raining and the weather was normal. I'm sure I was hearing in the spirit. Do you know what that means?

Jaimee Bingle said...

How did you feel after you heard it? Were you dreaming before you heard it? If so, what?

I had a similar experience two days ago where, oddly, I woke up and heard a doorbell. I wouldn't of thought anything of it, but the dog stirred at the same time, confirming I heard right. Then I thought,"Who is visiting me at 3 in the morning?" Then when I realized my doorbell didn't sound like what I heard. I got a little freaked out. I said a prayer and went back to bed.

If you can respond to some of my questions, perhaps I can blog about each of our experiences in a future post?

Tamie said...

I mostly "see", but sometimes the Lord actually speaks to me and tells me things, or as in the case of last week I "Saw", I "felt" his presence and I "heard" him speaking but I couldn't make out what he was saying and at the same time time I knew I couldn't understand what he was saying because I was willfully ignoring him. It was a reflection of something I was going through.

Erin K. said...

I've had all types of dreams - seeing, feeling, hearing, etc. The other night I had a dream where I was in my kitchen making some food and I knew my sister was in the other room. I didn't see her in the dream or even talk to her, but I somehow knew she was there.

Also, it's interesting that the kitchen I was in didn't look like my actual kitchen in my house, yet I somehow knew that the kitchen in my dream belonged to me. Now that I'm thinking about it, it's amazing all the different dreams I've had where I know certain information without seeing it!

Jaimee Bingle said...

Even with the few comments on here. This has really opened my eyes up to the way we "sense" in the middle of the night. I've also had dreams where even though I don't see it. I know it or sense it in the dream. Though I've always chaulked it up to just seeing the dream.

Tamie said...

In reply to Erin as far as I know seeing a kitchen in your dream or a restaurant may represent being "spiritually fed." A sister may not be a literal sister, but may represent a spiritual sister. I too dream about houses a lot. And none of them ever have looked like any of the actual houses I've lived in. Houses usually represent yourself or a person.

Jaimee Bingle said...

Good info Tamar!

I have to tell this thread that two days ago I had a dream where all I saw were two faces, but I had all this other information or knowing of what happened between these two people and didn't see any of it.

I'm sure I've dreamt like this before but was never really aware of it. Since I've been thinking about it, it's no wonder that it's actually happened to me.