Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I've Been Here Before - in a Dream

Have you ever been someplace or in a certain situation and thought "This is like deja vu? This is strangely familar.

This week a friend asked me if I've ever dreamed about a location before I'd ever been there. I had to think about this for a second because it sounded like deja vu. He said, "No it's not like deja vu. It's different. I don't feel it's familar. I know it's familar. I've been there before and seen it before in a dream."

He said that this has happened to him four times. It's all been places and buildings. This most recent time he stopped at a subway and noticed that all the buildings around the subway had been a place that he had seen before in a dream years prior. Now he was there in the natural. He asked God what this meant and he felt that the Lord just said that it was confirmation that he was in the right place at the right time.

This has never happened to me. So have you ever had a dream about a place and then sometime in the future you actually visited this place and went - "Hmmm so that's where I was in my dream?"


Carol said...

Yes, I have... many times. The most recent was in Dec. '08, when I moved into the house I currently live in. :)

Tamie said...

I haven't yet (?)... That's very interesting though.

Jaimee Bingle said...

Carol -
Just wondering. Is that how you knew to buy the house, because you had dreamed of it?

The house I live in now - I had dreams about it 6 months after I looked at it. In the dreams I was decorating it. I didn't call the realtor to see if it was still on the market because I assumed it wasn't and it was too expensive. Then I drove by it and it was still for sale. Needless to say the seller had dropped the price to my range by then, I closed and moved in a month later. I then decorated my house just like how I decorated it in my dream - except for the gray walls in the living room. :)


Seianna Giden said...

I always have this feeling. I just recently had it last week. A few months ago I had a dream about tutoring one of the students I am working with and it seemed strange at the time because I didn't really communicate with this student. In the dream I was in the exact room at the library where we tutor. I even remembered pulling down the blinds and last week I went to pull the blinds down and the "de ja vu" moment hit me like a tone of bricks. This kind of stuff always happent to me. Wow, didn't know it happened to others too:-)

Jaimee Bingle said...


Wonder what the significance was of God showing you the dream before it happened? It seems like a pretty normal thing to do in a setting like tutorting. Wonder if there is anything "blinding" about the student that you don't know about. Maybe there is more to the dream than just knowing a future event before it happens??? I'm not sure in this case. I'd encourage you to ask God.