Thursday, June 3, 2010

You Heard What Last Night?

Last week's entry "Dreaming Without Seeing" received an interesting comment. "Dreamer" says that he awoke to the sound of lightening, but there were no storms that night. He wondered what that meant. (Read all the comments including his here.)

I found it extremely interesting, because several nights prior I woke up, then heard a doorbell. It was clear as day. I would have thought I was hearing things, but the dog rustled too. Then when I realized that my doorbell doesn't even sound like that (more like a bicycle ring - an original from 1926), I was really freaked out. I prayed a prayer of protection and went back to bed.

The more I thought about it. The more I realized I should just ask God. So a few days later I did.
He brought to my attention the story of Eli and Samuel. You can read the whole story in 1Sam 3. Here's the skinny. Samuel slept near the ark of the covenant and one night he was summoned in the middle of the night. He got up and went to Eli and said,"You called?" Eli said, "No boy, go back to bed." It happened two more times until Eli finally said, "Hey kid, it's the Lord. Go back to bed and this time when he calls you say, 'I'm your servant and I'm listening.'" Being a good kid Samuel did as he was told. The Lord called again and Eli responded. As soon as he did he went into a vision and talked with the Lord.

I also recalled this verse in Revelation 3:20 (NIV).

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

As soon as I realized, "Hey God was summoning me and what did I do? Go back to sleep!" Argh, I could be wrong, but what if I'm not. I totally missed an opportunity!

I looked in my book "The Prophet's Dictionary," by Paula A. Price Ph.D., and it says: Doorbell: contemporary summons. A call to respond or answer a summons.

As far as lightening goes, the same books says: A. A manifestation of God's wrath, power and spiritual warfare. B. The arm of God. In ancient times, especially in Rome, lightening was viewed as augury from the gods, particularly from Jupiter. It was also a symbol of the spiritual battle of a deity, for instance, Baal. C. Lightning represents the arm of the supernatural.

So "Dreamer" A., B. or C. Which one flutters your spirit?

Additionally, Graham Cooke shares a short story about a man that kept hearing weeping every morning when he went to a coffee shop. It's a great story about hearing in the supernatural. The cool part for this guy is he actually acted on what he heard. Watch video below.

What about you? Have you ever heard something that wasn't in this realm? Or at least you didn't think it was? Perhaps even God's audible voice?


Anonymous said...

Hey, Jaimee, don't forget to say that you follow the CFA blogger, even though no one blogs, that's what Michael and I put al lthose kid's pictures and bios under! (-:

Tamie said...

I have heard his audible voice several times outside of a dream where I either received a word of knowledge, wisdom...or just a request from the Holy Spirit. I will write more on those occasions later.

I've never, that I am aware of, heard particular noise as a summon. But I have had the Holy Spirit explain to me what I am seeing in a dream as I am seeing it.

Thanks for sharing. Very thought provoking post.