Sunday, June 27, 2010

Shower Talk

Staying on the theme of bathrooms, let's talk about showering in dreams. Everybody needs them, right? Don't answer that if you thought, "No." And ... you're gross.

This symbol in a dream is a good thing - unless you're being showered with roaches or slime. That on the other hand would be negative. But if it's the good old fashioned way - with water - then you're having a positive dream. Water represents the Spirit. Let's face it. We all need a good dousing of the Holy Ghost. I guess I need it quite a bit, because I just recently went through a season of dreaming about showers and toilets all the time. Perhaps I'm still in that season, but just haven't had a dream in a while.

Let's check out some common words associated with showering. I looked these up in "Understanding the Dreams you Dream" by Ira Milligan. I love this book it's very helpful, though I try not to depend on it myself as I want my downloads from the Holy Spirit. That is always the best way - God first, then the reference materials.

Bathing - Cleansing -Repentance (Psalm 51:2-3)
Soap - Cleansing - Forgiveness, Conviciton (Jeremiah 2:22, Isaiah 1:16)
Washbasin - Prayer - Repentance, Petition to God, Self Justification - like when Pilate washed his hands of Jesus (Matthew 27:24, Jeremiah 4:14)
Washcloth - Truth - Doctrine; (Dirty cloth) false doctrine (Psalm 5:1-7, John 15:3, Job 14:4)
Bathroom - Desire or Cleansing

I tend to think that a bathroom dream represents a season of cleansing where you are safe in the nude. You can go through cleansing with Holy Spirit without everyone knowing your business.

Unfortunately that isn't always the case in dreamland. Most of my shower dreams involve other people in them or places where the shower is exposed in front of everyone. I've taken this to mean that I'm going to go through some cleansing publically. I never ever like that, not even in dreams.

One time I had a dream with my sister in the bathroom with me. In reality I found out she was going through the same type of cleansing I was at the same time. So that dream probably represented a cleansing from generational curses for both of us.

I'd also like to mention that while a good scrub-a-dub from the Holy Spirit is a good thing. It doesn't always feel so good when you're going through it. But the end result of being fresh and clean is always worth it.

Anybody else out there going through a season of cleansing? Care to "talk shower" in a comment??


Anonymous said...

Hey! Sometimes I go through seasons of dreaming. I'll have dreams every night for a week or so and then nothing for a long time. I wonder why God does that? Doesn't He talk all the time? Sometimes I feel like if I don't write every dream down then God will stop giving me dreams all together. Doesn't that seem a bit religious though?

Jaimee Bingle said...

No worries. I have that sometimes too. Only I may have five or six dreams a night and then the next week one dream a night. It's very rare that I not dream at all though. I will say that I am very disciplined in going to bed on time and writing my dreams down in the morning. In fact, I schedule it in my morning. I will say that the more you write them down, the more you will get. However, I have to admit that I don't write everything down all the time. Ya know... sometimes I hit the alarm clock one too many times. Praise God there is grace for that. He'll tell me again the next night. (Job 33:15,29)

And there can be times where you do dream, but wake up and can't remember. There are ways to help you remember. Sometimes dreams come to me while I'm sitting at my desk working, not even thinking about dreams. I think I'll blog about some helpful hints to help you remember dreams.

Yes, God does talk all the time. I think he wants us to learn all the ways he talks and not necessarily depending on one way - like dreams only.

Tamie said...

I've also been having a lot of shower/bathroom dreams within the past year or more.

I do go through "dry spells" of not dreaming, like the previous commenter, but find that is most often when I don't get enough sleep.

Anonymous said...

Do you ever have dreams that seem so real that it doesn't seem like your asleep?

Jaimee Bingle said...

Anonymous - Yes! Just had one a few days ago. Though this time, I don't think it was from God. Totally freaked me out! When they are from God - hmmm, it just doesn't make sense to want to wake up. Then you do anyways. :)