Monday, July 5, 2010

Recieving Direction From God in Dreams

If you've ever thought that dreams just aren't that important - consider this.

In the first two chapters of Matthew, dreams are mentioned five times.

  1. An angel came to Joseph in a dream and told him not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife. Matt 1:20
  2. Magi were warned in dream to not return to King Herod. Mat 2:12
  3. An angel appears to Joseph in a dream to go to Egypt and flee from King Herod. Mat 2:13
  4. An angel appears to Joseph in another dream and tells him to go back to Israel. Mat 2:19, 20
  5. Joseph was warned by God in a dream to go to Galilee. Mat 2:22

All five of these dreams were significant to Joseph and his family. They gave direction from harm.

It just boggles my mind that in the first few years of Jesus' life, his parents were taking direction from God in dreams.

Can you imagine waking up and saying, "Wife, pack up. We're leaving today." I mean it's almost unheard of, and yet Joseph did it more than once.

Just think of how many dreams you've had without even thinking that God was talking to you. I can remember as a kid waking up every morning and telling my mom my dreams. We'd laugh at them. It never dawned on me that maybe I should pay attention to them or that God might have something to say to me through them.

A few days ago I met a woman who told me that she and her husband had been in ministry for more than 40 years. She then went on to say that her husband received his call through a series of four dreams which were all confirmed later through other people.

It's amazing what God will do when you: 1. Believe He talks to you; 2. Actually hear Him; 3. And listen and do what He says to do.

Are there any dreams that you can remember now and say, "Wow, God really was talking to me then." Have you ever received a dream that gave you direction for you life? Please share.


chrissy02_24 said...

I just read an article about how a girl had a dream about how they will pay for their wedding by saving aluminum cans.She sent out some emails to friends and they received over 400,000 cans from all over the state of WA in 6months time to pay for their wedding. ($3,800) I thought that was so awesome!

Tamie said...

I have been pondering something, Job 33: 14-16 tells us that at night when men slumber upon their bed the Lord opens their ears and "seals their instructions" (in the language of dreams). If he is "sealing their instruction" then is this still free will? Is it like our dreams are a time of programming from the Lord? Just a thought.

Jaimee Bingle said...

Chrissy02_24 - I think that dream is awesome too! God is just so creative.

Tamar - I had to think about this for a second. I think you can instruct someone on how to do something. It doesn't always mean that they are going to follow the instructions. So we still have free will. At least I've never had my arm twisted by God.

godsgiftofjoy said...
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godsgiftofjoy said...
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godsgiftofjoy said...

hi, this is a blessing to read. I actually have been through tramuas and also born with learning disability. I am very sensative and atone to things around me like the nature,sky and spirit.

Despite this the good lord uses me in many ways. I have dreams and visions at times. I also have seen angels and written about it. In addtion, I hear and see heaven glory around a person. However, if they are ill or something is out of place if you will. That's when I pray for them.