Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Dream at Aldi's Reveals Some Free Gifts

This morning I had a dream that I was shopping at Aldi's. (I love that place.) They had gourmet food (typically they don't), but I was kind of annoyed because there were no prices on anything. Then when I tried to pay, there was no cashier. I spent all this time trying to find someone to take my money. So I went home and decided to come back the next day to pay for my food. Again, no cashier. The people working in the back room didn't know anything about cashing people out and they didn't seem to care if I paid or not. This really bothered me because, well, by golly, I"m a "good" Christian and I pay for my stuff. Then I woke up.

I said, "God does this mean anything?" Automatically I had thought it was a dumb dream. Note to self - when you think you have a dumb dream, it's usually because you're in darkness about something. Hello McFly! God wants to reveal something to you!

So I immediately wondered, "Is there anything in my life that is free and I don't know about it? I mean am I working hard and begging God for something that he's already given to me?"

I got in my Bible and found hundreds of references on give, gives, giving, given. In fact, more than 1500 references. Not all of them make reference to God giving something, but most do. It's so exhaustive.

Interesting, the first mention of giving is Genesis 1:15 where God speaks light to the expanse of the heavens, giving earth light. I'm not surprised that the first reference of giving is light. Metaphorically speaking, Jesus is the light of the world. Plus, most of us know he IS the free gift.

In Genesis 1:29,30 "Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food"; and it was so."

So a few verses later, now He's talking about man and all he's given him. Can you say - EVERYTHING.

How about this short, short list:

Gives Life
Gives generously and without reproach
Gives grace to the humble
Gives bread
Gives mercy
Gives victory
Gives encouragement
Gives His Son
Gives the Holy Spirit
Gives justice
Gives the keys to the Kingdom

Now Matthew 6:19 caught my attention.

"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven."
I remember when my dad would give me the keys to the car as a teenager. I felt like I owned the world, and the highway for that matter. Now think about your father handing you keys to the Kingdom? I don't even think our minds can comprehend what we've been given. That list is probably equally exhaustive. According to this verse we have authority to command things in heaven so that they manifest on earth! WE HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO LOOSE THINGS THAT ARE ALREADY STORED UP FOR US IN THE HEAVENS SO WE CAN ENJOY THEM ON THE EARTH.

The more I type, the more excited my spirit gets. I own everything because my inheritance is in Him. The best part about it is - I don't have to wait till I die. It's for today. He has given everything, including his life, that I might live and live abundantly.

Moral of the dream - If the cashier doesn't exist and nobody is expecting payment - don't waste time trying to pay for something that is already yours! Enjoy the FREE gift.