Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jesus Visits - Gives Discernment in a Dream

Going along the same theme of my last blog, "I Had a Dream About Jesus," here's another example of a Christian man who received a visit from Jesus in a dream.

Earlier this week I happened to listen to Sid Roth's Naturally Supernatural radio show online. I absolutely love this site. He also has a weekly TV show and I love that too!

His radio guest was Mel Bond. Mel sees into the supernatural realm, even discerning demons on people. When he prays, demons leave and people are physically healed.

What really caught my attention on Monday's show was that Mel talked about how he received this gift in a dream! He received the discernment of spirits after Jesus visited him in a dream.

Remember King Solomon received the gift of wisdom in a dream. (1 Kings 3:3-14) Riches and honor also came with that. So for Mel, not only did he receive the gift of discernment he also received the gift of healing through deliverance.
Mel also talks about what happens during the night session, the demonic, deliverance, etc. in a five-part series with Sid. Listen here.