Monday, August 9, 2010

Dreams with Multiple Meanings For Multiple Times

Yesterday I was talking with a friend about a dream he had. Right before we got off the phone, I reminded him that the dream could have multiple meanings for multiple times. I was speaking from an experience that I'd had about two years ago.

One night before I went to bed, I asked God to give me a dream. I needed direction about whether I should let a friend move in with me. That night I had one very, very short dream.

I saw my friend. In one hand she had a book, and in the other hand she had $100.

When I woke I up I realized God gave me an answer to my question. I felt that my friend had knowledge (representing the book) to share with me along with some payment (representing the money). So I let her move in.

After about a month and a half after she moved in, I was asking God about the length of her stay. He reminded me of the dream that I had when I made my original decision to let her move in. I remembered thinking, "Yeah, that dream is kicked. It's useless. It's already given me one answer. How can that little dream give any other answers?" Then I had and "Ah-Ha" moment or really a revelation from God.

I knew her stay was over when all the transactions took place. I'd already received the knowledge. She had cooked all my food and taught me about eating healthy. She had already given me $50. (I should mention that I never told her about the dream, nor did I ask her for any money.) I just needed another transaction of $50. I didn't know when it was going to happen, but I knew that when I received it, her time would be up. Two weeks later she gave me another $50 without me asking for it.

So in this account, a very short dream was extremely significant in helping me with direction about my living situation not only once, but twice. Notice that the dream had two directional meanings for me. Also that my friend gave me two gifts - knowledge and money. Additionally she stayed two months.

God is so big. He always blows me away. As I write this I'm wondering if I have any dreams that I've kind of crossed off that might have some more meaning today. What about you? Have you ever had a dream that gave you answers to more than one situation? Please share. I'd love to hear about it.