Friday, September 3, 2010

God Can Speak to You About Any Dream

I was watching a video by Doug Addison of InLight Connection and he said that not all dreams are from God, but that God can speak to you through dreams.

I had to think about that for a second. I know that dreams can come from three places:

1. God
2. The Enemy
3. Your Soul

When I wake up in the morning I always write my dreams down, regardless of where I think they came from.

Short Review

  • A God dream is typically vibrantly colorful.

  • A Demonic dream is usually in black and white or grayscale and typically has fear attached with it.

  • A Soulish dream manifests whatever is in your heart. It's from you.
God Talks
I usually know right away the source of the dream. In the past I've said, if you think you've had a demonic dream - throw it away. The devil is a liar and why would you try to interpret or listen to anything he has to say.

Now that is true -we don't want to listen to the enemy. However, we can take the dream back to God and ask questions about it.

"Why did I have this dream?" or "Is there any door in my life that is open that the enemy has access to?"

As believers we have swords. (Eph 6:17) We have authority to crush the enemy's head. (Gen 3:15) I refuse to let him come in and mess with my sleep time. Holy Spirit will always let you know how to proceed. Typically it starts with me evaluating my actions, words, etc. Do I need to repent for something, and if so what?

If you have a dream from your soul it will reveal what is really in your heart.

The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart. Luke 6:45

Heart and soul can be used interchangeably in this verse. Ouch! It can be ugly sometimes. Trust me I know. I'm still working out my salvation.

This is also a time to say, hmmm where am I at right now with God? Because let's face it - sometimes we are so busy in the day that we don't recognize that we're idolizing something or even addicted to something, etc.


So for anyone who has woken up from a deep slumber and felt that their dream was stupid - it's not the case. The Lord will always talk to you about the dream. You just have to sit down with him and ask some questions.


Anonymous said...

The quote you used from Doug Addison's video on his website actually says 'I don't think every dream is from God but God can use every dream". He did not say that God can speak through every dream. There is a difference. God may not speak through a dark dream but as you say in your article He can use it to help pinpoint things in your life.

Jaimee Bingle said...

You are absolutey right. Sorry for any confusion. I relooked at that video and don't know how I missed that. Thanks for a polite correction and a realization that I am human!