Sunday, December 26, 2010

Dreaming Kids

As many of you know, little kids can say some of the most profound and sometimes the most comforting things. The wild thing is it's always so simple. Go figure.

Here's a recent story that a co-worker shared with me. I've changed the names in this story.

Earlier this week, a co-worker of mine was sharing with me a dream her granddaughter had. In the dream the five-year-old girl, Millie, was having fun playing with her Papa Smith. When she woke up, she told her grandma that she had fun with Papa Smith while she slept.

Grandma said, "How did you know who it was?" (Millie had never met Papa Smith. He had died five years before she was even born.)

Millie replied, "I don't know. I just knew it was him."

Then Grandma said, "Well, that would be just like Papa Smith. He loved to have fun with kids."

That blessed my co-worker so much. It just so happened that she had really been thinking about her father a lot that week, unbeknownst to your young granddaughter. The dream Millie had really comforted my friend, remembering how her father was on earth. And maybe, just maybe - Millie really did play with Papa Smith in the spirit at night.

What types of dreams do your children share with you? Have you ever stopped to think that they may be significant or perhaps the Lord talking to you through them?