Sunday, January 30, 2011

Going Wrong Way Turns Right

I can't help it. I'm a backseat driver or maybe a control freak, and I need deliverance! (Hey at least I know I need help.)

Last Sunday, Nathan and I were driving home from church. He was on the phone, playing with the music and driving in the wrong lane. I couldn't help my agitation. I kept motioning to him to get over and then verbally telling him to get in the right lane so we could get on the freeway. Did we end up on the freeway? NO. We ended up in the left turning lane, and I was a seriously annoyed.

It was the start of a "discussion."

And right in the middle of my "If you would just pay attention, we'd get home sooner" speech, Nathan says in the most nonchalant, normal voice, "Do you have to be somewhere? You must have forgotten what happened last time we went the wrong way."

Now that shut my mouth immediately and gave me a serious reality check.

If you haven't read "Psalm $52 Blowing on the Sidewalk," you'll need to. It's the best story of how one day when we on our way to church we took the wrong way and got ridiculously blessed.

As I sat for about five seconds, I had nothing to say back but, "You're absolutely right."


Two minutes later, Nathan shouts, "That's our guy. There he is."

I'm thinking, "What? Who escaped from Teen Challenge (That's where Nathan works.)? How did they get from South Bend to Elkhart?"

Then I saw the guy Nathan was talking about - a man carrying a gas can, running down the side of a busy road on the south side of South Bend. I knew what Nathan was going to do next as he turned around the car.

He rolls down the window and says, "Hey, you need a ride to the gas station?"

We end up giving this young 20-something-year-old guy from Puerto Rico a ride to fill up his gas can. We make small talk. He tells us he's trying to get a better job at the airport.

Nathan and I start declaring and thanking God in the car for a promotion for Michael. We declare he is prosperous in his soul. We bless his girlfriend and then he gets out of the car. He thanks us and shouts back, "Blessings to you."

AnCheck Spellingd I received that!

If we didn't go the wrong way, we'd never have gotten to bless Michael. So did we really go the wrong way? Maybe it's only wrong when you get caught up in your own agenda and forget to look for the blessing along the way.

Nathan didn't forget to look for the blessing. He knew one was coming. While I sat and sulked because I was wrong, I didn't look for the blessing. Thank you Jesus for a wise boyfriend. I'm glad he's mine.

And I'm glad that wrong way got turned right. I still have so much to learn! Help me Lord!