Sunday, February 13, 2011

Life on the Fringe

Last December I had a vision (a small impression in my mind) during worship at church.

Anyone who knows me, knows I want to write books. At the time, I'd been asking God for about a week when I was going to start writing a book. I also had some other questions like, am I in the right place right now? Should I be writing or still waiting?

I was envisioning multiple women sharing their testimonies in a book. I almost dismissed the idea. It wasn’t until my friend, Joan McClendon, called me the next day to tell me about the same vision she had at church. I couldn’t believe it; two friends having the same vision, the same time in separate churches. We knew it was confirmed by the Lord. We were to carry out this vision.

We don’t have all the particulars just yet, but as of today I sent out the email invitation to local Michiana women to prayerfully consider typing up their testimony to be published in our book, "Life on the Fringe: Testimonies of Women Moving Beyond Faith to Desperation."

We'll also do a full study on the woman with the issue of blood. I'm so excited, but honestly, I'm a little nervous. What if we fail? What if we don't follow through? I keep telling myself to refuse to think that way and to expect big things. God doesn't give you a vision, confirm it and then forget to give you resources or help you finish it.

Visit our facebook page and like our book. Write your own testimony on our wall if you like. We'd love to hear your testimony of God's goodness in your life!