Thursday, February 10, 2011

Moving from Email Relationship to Long Love Letters

Last night I taught my first four-part class at Southgate Church, "Demystifying the Prophetic." It was great! We had lots of hungry people excited to hear from God, grow closer to Him and interested in learning how to prophesy! (Classes are every Wed. night in Feb from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., in case you're interested.)

As I was driving home from work two days ago, I was talking to God and I felt like he was reminding me about love and about relationship and how important they are. He was talking to me about our relationship! I suddenly thought of all the recent quick prayers sent up to Him like sending a quick email off at work - nice, short, to-the-point. That's how I like to have email relationship, mainly because I'm busy. The response you get with those emails are - nice, short and t0-the-point - not necessarily relational. I thought to myself - "I don't want a nice, short-to-the-point relationship with God. I want a deep, intimate relationship. Hmmmm, I think I'm getting it God. I get what I put into our relationship and right now it's nice, quick and to-the-point.

Then I was talking to Him about the class, he really spoke to me about love and how you can use the gift of prophecy without having love. It means absolutely nothing in the grand scale of eternity for the giver of the word.

OK God how can I incorporate relationship and love into this class tomorrow?

So I added some more "loving" info to open up the class. A little 1 Cor 13 and 2 Cor. 13, sprinkled with a little Matthew, James, John and Amos. We got to build a solid foundation on LOVE!

Enter in the Beatles, "All You Need is Love" chorus. doo da doo

Gotta have love or you have nothing! (1 Cor 13)

Many will say to me on that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles.” Then I will tell them plainly, “I never knew you. Away from me you evildoers!” Matt. 7:22, 23

Gotta have a relationship too. It's crucial! Jesus says so! If you don't take this seriously, He may say to you "Away from me. You evildoer!" It's key to recognize that he doesn't just say get away, he even gives you a new name - evildoer!" That tells me the seriousness of making an effort to get to know Him.

I don't want to ever take for granted my relationship with Him, and I certainly don't want to ever settle for an email relationship with Him.

Just because I prophecy doesn't mean anything to Him. He's more concerned about relationship. In a way that's refreshing. I'd rather hang out with him than "do" anything even if it is blessing someone else. (Hopefully you understand my context!)

We're meant to have relationship with Him. Then everything else falls into place and gets in it's right order.

For me - it's time to move from emails to long love letters with Him.