Sunday, February 6, 2011

Four-Year-Old Brings Peace Through a Dream

This is kind of part two of my first post "Dreaming Kids." Erin Kinzel, co-worker, social media guru and blogger extraordinaire, graciously typed out this story of comfort through her daughter's dream. Enjoy!

After a whirlwind week that included a positive pregnancy test, a miscarriage, and an unexpected trip to the hospital to deal with what had been an ectopic pregnancy, I was lying in bed with my four-year-old daughter on a Sunday morning. My husband was sick the night before and had slept on the couch, so Kaitlyn had spent the night with me. Kaitlyn often will tell me about her dreams, and we talk about how good dreams come from Jesus and bad dreams come from Satan. (That’s a bit simplistic, but it’s just enough for her four-year-old brain to handle.) On this particular morning she woke up and excitedly told me that she’d had a dream. She said, “Mommy! I had a dream about an egg. I was holding the egg, and it had a baby in it, and there was a feather in it, but the baby didn’t hatch.” She got a little sad at the end when she said the baby didn’t hatch, but she quickly moved on to another subject.

I was shocked – we hadn’t told her anything about the events of the week. She didn’t know about the positive pregnancy test, or the miscarriage, or my trip to the hospital. All she knew is that mommy wasn’t feeling good and it resulted in an unexpected overnight trip for her to Grandma and Grandpa’s, complete with brand new pajamas and a new outfit, and pancakes for breakfast. Even if she did pick up on some conversations about what had happened, I doubt that she could understand it enough to concoct her dream out of her own imagination.

For me, her dream was a hug of reassurance from the Holy Spirit, our Comforter. This baby did not “hatch,” but the feather symbolized that it was still cared for, and that I am cared for. I didn’t have a lot of emotion about the loss of the baby because we hadn’t known for very long, but I did have my moments of grief and Kaitlyn’s dream was a message from God that brought me peace in these moments.