Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Top 15 Myths About Prophecy

This is part one of "The Top 15 Myths About Prophecy." I'll add the other eight myths in part two in the next couple of days.

Keep in mind prophecy (in its simplest form) is foretelling and forth telling. It is one of the nine gifts in 1 Corinthians 12, and it's a grace gift that is received by faith.

Myth #1
We do not need the gifts of the spirit. All we need is the fruit of the spirit.

This statement subtly ushers in pride. We desperately need the gifts. Spiritual gifts are empowerment to usher in the Kingdom of God. Paul says in 1 Cor. 14:1 to “.. seek zealously after the gifts.” Our Father always gives good gifts. (James 1:17) Why wouldn’t we want to accept them? In 1 Cor. 1: 4-7 Paul thanks the Lord for the Corinthians that they will be enriched in every way … lacking no spiritual gift.

Myth #2
Seek the giver not the gifts.

This is not biblical. Again, Paul says “Pursue Love (God); and zealously seek the gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. (1 Cor. 14:1) We never want to seek gifts more than the giver, but we need the gifts to manifest the power of God. To reject the gifts is to reject an aspect of him. The gifts are a manifestation of Him.

Myth #3
Seeking spiritual gifts is selfish.

Gifts are given to bless others. However, it is possible for some to have mixed motives in seeking spiritual gifts. Though consider the attitude of Paul in Philippians 1. He acknowledges those with wrong motive and then goes on to say, what does it matter if some use false motives as long as Christ is preached. He says he will continue to rejoice.

Myth #4
Asking for spiritual gifts opens us up to demonic deception.

There is no scripture for this and is contradiction to what Jesus taught in the gospels. Luke 11:5-13 says, “If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? … If ye then being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children; how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?”
If we ask the Father for a prophetic word for someone, why would he give us anything but that. We can trust Him.

Myth #5
Only people with a special gift can prophesy.

1 Cor 14:31 “For you all may prophesy one by one ..” While Paul is addressing the order of the church in using the gift of prophecy, he’s also saying you ALL may get a turn to prophesy. That must mean everyone can. In Acts 2:17, Peter quotes the book of Joel when he says, “ In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on ALL people, your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, you old men will dream. Even on my servants both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.” Everyone is either a son or daughter to someone. That means EVERYONE can prophesy! Additionally, in 1 Cor 1:7 Paul says “Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.” That means we as Christians have ALL the gifts. Prophecy is a gift according to 1 Cor. 12:9. You have the gift of prophecy if Christ is in you!

Myth #6
You have to wait a while to hear His voice.

You can speak in tongues whenever you want, you can prophesy whenever you want. It’s just a matter of plugging into the Spirit of God. It’s actually easier to prophesy if you open up your mouth right away. Waiting too long may take you to a place where your soul rationalizes what it is hearing. We don’t rationalize God’s voice. We let Him speak through us, making sure His word doesn’t filter through us. It gets back to Luke 11:11 If you ask for bread will he give you a stone. AND will he make you wait forever till you starve to death? No!

Myth #7
Prophecy is a promise of things to come.

Prophesy is not a promise. It is an invitation to your destiny. You must partner with God in order to step into the invitation. That means it’s conditional. It is also in part (1 Cor 13) and progressive, meaning it builds.