Sunday, April 3, 2011

All Things are Possible - Even Transrelocation

In my last post I talked about translation, so I figured I might as well talk about transrelocation. I don't know much about it because I haven't experienced it yet, but I do know this. It is scriptural.

Transrelocation is when your body, soul and spirit are transported or relocated. Enoch stepped from one realm into another. Hebrews 11:5 says, "By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, and was not found because God had taken him."

Ezekiel was transported in the spirit too (Ezekiel 8:3), and so was Elijah. (1 Kings 18:11, 12)

And one more - Phillip and the Ethiopian eunuch. "Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the lord caught Phillip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more." (Acts 8:39)

Now if God is no respecter of persons and He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow - then it's possible that we can experience the same things.

I have not been transrelocated/transported, but I plan on it sometime in the near future.

I like Ian Clayton's transrelocation testimony.

Anybody been transrelocated? Care to share?


Trisha said...

Whats your feeling on 'partial transrelocation'? (I made that term up). Where instead of spirit soul and body, it's just your spirit and soul.
This may sound odd, but I believe our spirit is moving by default (whether we're aware or not)because we are one with GOD/CHRIST and he is spirit and he is omnipresent. But I have begun to experience my soul going with me...which initially didn't happen (Previously I'd go to a place and watch a scene but didn't interact- it was just spirit travel)

Now I am actually there and can feel and do things and my emotions affect me...much more real and vivid. I talk with God and pray & I can interact etc...

I am 99% sure my body is still at home- (in bed although no way of being sure!lol)
Any comments?

Jaimee Bingle said...

Hi Trisha,

What you are talking about is translation. I actually had an experience myself and you can read it here.

I was initially nervous about putting it out there because it's not something that is talked about in religious circles, but it is biblical. I glad to see that someone else is experiencing some of the things I am. I want to go even more. It's an adventure! Thanks for sharing!