Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Help is on the Way - Testimony of Prophecy

Three years ago I started a job at Bethel College in Mishawaka, Ind. as the director of public relations. At that time I had no clue about running an office, but one thing I did know, I needed more staff.

I could tell you all the circumstances so you could say, "Wow, you really did need help," but I'll spare the details. Just believe me when I say, I was overwhelmed by the work load and lack of resources/staff.

I remember one of the pastors at my church praying with me, encouraging me and giving me a word from the Lord. He sensed that I would receive help and he felt it was in the form of three people. You can imagine my excitement. "Wahoo! Help is on the way!"

How many us know that when God promises something it isn't on our time line?!

It wasn't right away, but he brought me student workers and interns and even still I cried, "Lord that is not help! That is more work!" But my staff and I thanked Him anyway for these "resources," and kept believing for experienced and skilled help.

People in other departments told us it wasn't going to happen. "You'll never get that proposal passed." "The school is on a hiring freeze." "There is no money here." Those were just a few discouraging phrases we heard.

My staff and I refused to listen to those words. They did not line up with what God promised and what we knew to be true. I would also receive other prophetic words where people would say, "God is bringing you resources. You are going to be given strategies." I clung to those words, especially on days when I would come home at 5 p.m. and be mentally exhausted. I would say, "Where are my staff members? You promised."

After my first year there, I received permission for one part-time staff member to move to full-time.

On my second year I received permission to hire another staff member. (It was a position my boss had been proposing for six years.)

Now I'm almost in my third year and I just received word that my third proposed staff position has been approved by some of our cabinet members and will be voted on by our board next week. I'm about 98% sure it will pass and am rejoicing and preparing for yet another transition in our office!

God is good! He has doubled my staff since I started three years ago. He has fulfilled His promise. He doesn't care about financial problems. He doesn't live by hiring freezes. He is God and He loves me. He keeps his Word. He gave my staff and me plans and proposals, the intelligence to justify our positions with cost saving measures.

It would have been easy to listen to others around me and step into their disbelief, but I refused. It would have been easy to give up and just maintain the work, but the Lord is about growth because he's all about furthing his Kingdom and bringing His reality, His initiative and His provision on earth.

Can you remember a time when the Lord fulfilled His Word to you?