Saturday, December 13, 2008

Blowing Bubbles During Harvest Time

About two months I was in a Bible study with a guest speaker teaching on hearing God's voice. Now I don't know about you, but God speaks to me in many ways, mainly through pictures. I see things at night (dreams) and in the day (visions).

During that teaching I had a vision of myself blowing bubbles in a wheat field. The sun was shinning and I was just having a grand time as a little kid. It played out like a movie for me. I thought this was an odd vision because the last time I blew bubbles was when I was 6-years-old. I asked God what that meant and immediately thought of two words, child-like-ness and harvest.

I don't know about you, but if I have an excuse to act my shoe size, I'm all about it. So I felt I was about to go into a season of child-like-ness that would reap a harvest.

Weeks later I was up in children's church for about a month of Sundays, praying with kids, observing how they soaked up everything. It was so easy for them to receive. I then began to just think about child-like-ness, how they act, what they say. They ask questions about everything and wonder about everything around them.

Have you ever watched a child? They dance when they feel like it. They laugh when they feel like it and guess what? We as adults love it! We even engage in that ga ga talk, and it's ok to talk that way to them. But - we would never talk that way to another adult, that's just too silly. But what if we did?

Sometimes I think we are such fuddy duddies, trying to act professional, intellegent, productive, because we are fearful of what people think. Who cares? There is so much freedom in child-like-ness and yet we won't let ourselves experience it.

I believe all us adults need a season in child-like-ness. How are we to follow a child if we can't think like one. Remember in Isaiah when it says, "and a little child will lead them." Why would you follow a child if you didn't think like one?

The Bible also says in John 1: 12 that I have the right to to become his child. In fact Jesus says, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

In my opinion, if the king acts like a child and promotes child-like-ness, then those in his kingdom should do as the ruler does.

So I've freely embraced child-like-ness. I want to go ice skating, make snow angels, build a snowman, jump on my bed, color in a coloring book with a 64-pack of crayons. Heck I want to put my 2009-2010 work budget together in sketchbook full of bean figures and at the end say, "Thus the reason I need a bigger budget!"

Ok fastforward to two days ago. Some background info, I work in the PR department at a Christian liberal arts college. I drove through the campus and noticed that the place was litterally TP heaven. The kids did a great job! I could hardly contain my laughter. I thought it was the best done prank, and yet I it looked so beautiful - white toilet paper trees are gorgeous with a dusting of snow and hysterical!

I was immediately reminded of child-like-ness and my vision from two months ago. Later that day we had our work Christmas party and I watched the laughter of a two-year-old. There's nothing like it. My co-workers couldn't get enough of him and I watched them engage in silly behavior with him. How freeing!

Then my boss passed out about 20 presents. Guess what I ended up with? A gift card AND.... a BOTTLE OF BUBBLES!

Later that day I found out that I'd gotten a RAISE, retroactive to September!

Remember the vision - bubbles and wheat; translated - child-like-ness and harvest!

It just goes to show that studying silliness and allowing yourself to partake is freeing, it allows the blessings to flow. Our God is a big kid and I think he loves to have fun, bless us and radically love us. We just have to let ourselves receive it.

I urge you to embrace child-like-ness today. So sit at your desk, put your feet up and blow bubbles. You'll find yourselve laughing uncontrollably, because it's just so ridiculously fun!


Hermi said...

That TP job was beautiful wasn't it. I took pictures too. It made me think of the power and passion of our young people, untapped and undirected. If God could get a hold of it to channel it they could change the world.