Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hollywood Invades Dreamland

I started this blog because I wanted to journal my dreams, but this past week has been a - no blog. It's not that I'm not dreaming, because I am. It's just that I've been apprehensive to post because I dream about everyone I see or meet. So if you read this blog and you know me personally you may be in one of my dreams. Which can be cool and bad. Cool in the sense - I dreamt you won the lottery; bad in the sense - your dog died.

So in an effort to promote peace and love, I will have to censor out some names. Since this is my blog, I decide who to censor.

Without my journal sitting in front of me, I'll just mention one dream that I had last night. It's actually kind of odd. Here goes:

I'm with another female that I don't know and the Hollywood movie actor, Vince Vaughn. (Side note - I don't like Vince Vaughn as an actor. He's too much of a potty mouth, and honestly not funny in my opinion. So why I dreamt about him, who knows.)

Myself and the female are walking on the left side of this bridge; like a bamboo jungle bridge, put together with rope and logs. Vince is walking on the right side of the bridge. The bridge is over a huge body of water, so big, we can't see the land on the other side. It's beautiful outside and there are lots of people walking on the bridge.

I ask Vince if he will take my friend's picture, before he can get the camera ready, she jumps off the bridge and starts playing in the water. In fact lots of people are swimming and jumping off the bridge. It seems like endless fun, but Vince is not happy. Actually he falls off the bridge and is so mad that he got wet. I decide to jump in and enjoy myself, like everyone else. Actualy everyone is having fun but Mr. Hollywood. Though no one cares one bit about his outrageous outburst.

I woke up out of that one wondering what that means. I have a few ideas. Still praying about it.

On another note - Just got back from the Brandon Heath concert in Elkhart, Ind. The picture isn't that good, but it proves I was there and I do other things on Saturday night other than read books.