Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Powerful, Swift Golden Glory Horses

Sunday morning I had a dream that I was at a horse farm? I think? Anyways I saw these golden horses, with heads like a man, but they still looked like a horse. I can't really explain. These horses were huge with long flowing golden manes. They were powerful and quick. They were so majestic and enticing, and yet I was fearful of them. I saw them running in a pack into a gate or a stall. It was feeding time. I was told that you don't want to be around the horses when they're eating. Now that they were done feeding, these horses were restless and wanted out of the gates. I just kept watching them in amazement. I was just really in wonderment of these massively huge creatures, plus they were gold!

When I woke up I started asking God about the horses. I was led to Zechariah 6 in the Bible. The prophet sees four chariots with powerful horses which represent the four spirits of heaven going out from standing in the presence of the Lord. These horses are red, black, white and spotted; though none of them are gold like in my dream. That leads to some puzzlement.

In "Understanding the Dreams You Dream" by Ira Milligan a horse represents: time/work as in the work of the spirit through man. In the same book, gold represents glory or wisdom.

In "The Prophet's Dictionary" by Paula Price, a horse is symbolic of power, war and swiftness. It's also symbolic of the Lord's supernatural patrol of the earth and its policing. A horse's mane is seen as glory of thunder. It's the adornment of power especially that of the neck. It's a symbol of swift movement or strength. See Job 39:19. Gold represents an element that symbolizes the refinement of the spirit; royalty and transcendence. Gold is representative of the spirit, opulent wealth and spiritual power.

I started thinking about the horses in their gates/stalls. What if these powerful, swift horses were getting ready to run a race or maybe they just need to be unleashed? They had just eaten and were restless, ready to run. Perhaps glory and wisdom are getting ready to be unleashed. What if this is a prophetic look at the spirit realm? What if God is getting ready to pour out his spirit in glory and wisdom quickly and powerfully on his people? I'll take that.