Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Dream About My Dads

I just blogged about toilets in dreams and realized - I can't blog about that on Father's Day!

Then I thought about my heavenly Father and thought - I'm blogging about Him today. Since today is all about honoring Him as well as our earthly fathers.

I've noticed that in some cases when my earthly father shows up in a dream, he symbolizes my heavenly Father. If my earthly father shows up with my mother in the dream, he usually symbolizes the earthly parental role.

In the positive, a father can represent an authority, creator, source or inheritance. In the negative, a father can also represent satan. Remember satan is called the father of lies in John 8:44.

A Dream About My Dads

A while back I had a dream where I was in my bed and I saw a black spirit above my head. This spirit dove into my head and I started thrashing around in my bed. While I was trying to get this thing out of my head, I saw the face of my earthly father. I knew that if I could just get to him, he'd remove this spirit and I'd be all better. Then I woke up.

Immediately I knew that I had been attacked in the middle of the night. (Black spirits are never positive.) I also knew why. The day before I had spent four hours talking to this guy in the park about new age religion, which was confusing me. I knew that my earthly father in the dream represented God. I knew that if I could get before Him, He would remove this confusion. I literally asked God to remove all thoughts of the conversation. He did. I can't even tell you anything about the conversation. This all came about in my intimate time with God right after I woke up.

Have you ever dreamed about your earthly father, realizing later that your earthly father represented our heavenly Father? Please share.

Next Posting - Dreaming about toilets.

Have a wonderful Father's Day!


Tamie said...

Wow, I too have been attacked by spirits in my bed. I'll blog about that. I never saw the spirit, only sensed it though.

I've also dreampt of my father (didn't actually see his face, but knew it was supposed to be dad) and the father was God. My mother appeared in the same dream, and I think she represented the church. That was the two dreams I had back to back where father went out to buy white paint for my old, broken down yucky house in the first dream, and where he rigged a shower for me mingled with white paint and water.

Jaimee Bingle said...

A shower with white paint and water. I like that dream. Sounds like some good cleansing going on with Holy Spirit.

I'm posting about showers in dreams next Sunday. Seems like this next week will be a bathroom series.

Thanks for your comment.

Erin K. said...

After reading your post I immediately thought of a dream I had with my dad in it, and it also had poop in it, so I guess it combines your current post with a future post. :) In my dream I was in a house with my dad, in a large room that had a washer and dryer, and there were a lot of piles of clean towels on the floor.

Suddenly, out of the wall these piece of poop (gross, I know) started coming out, and they got all over the towels. I was so upset that my clean towels were being contaminated, but my dad wasn't concerned at all. I kept bugging him about it because I wanted him to be upset too, but he didn't seem to care.

Over the next few months God started revealing a lot of junk in my life, and I wasn't sure what to do with it. I think what the dream was telling me was not to freak out when the junk started coming out. It looked like it was messing up all kinds of "laundry" I had worked hard to clean (and keep clean) but I think God was telling me that no matter clean I thought everything was, I still had junk that needed to be purged. I needed to trust him.

In the past year I've also had a lot of dreams about showers. I guess that's a good thing - God is doing a lot of cleansing in me!

Jaimee Bingle said...

Good comment Erin. No shame in talking about poop, especially if God is showing you how to get clean from it. Funny you mention showers. I will be posting about that on Sunday.