Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dreams that Make You Go ... Hmmmm

Recently I had a friend share with me a dream her husband had. In the dream he was working at his old job where he was very happy. The dream was so peaceful and wonderful that he didn't want to wake up, knowing that when he did, he'd have to go to his current job which he disliked.

That very same day he received a phone call from a friend saying that his old employer was hiring again.

My friend asked me what I thought about the dream. My response was that perhaps God gave the dream to get her husband thinking about his old job again. Also the peaceful feeling that he had in the dream could have been the future confirmation that he needed to prompt him to call his old boss when he heard about the position. If he didn't have the dream, he may never have called his old boss even though he knew there was an opening. But the dream, coupled with the friend's phone call on the same day, really prompted him to call his old boss. Now would he have called his old boss had he not had the dream? One will never know I guess.

So after one week, my friend's husband gets offered a job at his old place of employment! He accepted! It happened that fast and that easy.

Have you ever had a dream that prompted you to make a decision or to ponder a certain situation a little bit more because of a dream? A dream that made you go ... hmmmm.


Robert Butler said...


I almost never dream, It is very rare for me. I think over the last 5 years I have dreamed maybe 3 times, So dreaming is not something that is in vogue for me personally, When I do dream the dreams leaves a penetrating impression on me in some way... Have a great week.


Jaimee Bingle said...

Thanks for your comment Robert. I read a study where researchers woke up people as soon as they would start to go into REM sleep. After three days of that, people were ready to have a nervous breakdown, proving that it is necessary to go into REM sleep, which is where we dream. So if this is correct, then everybody dreams. The problem is you just don't remember them. You bring up a great point because my mother says she doesn't dream either. I think I'll blog more in depth about this topic later this week. Great comment!

Robert Butler said...

That may be jaimee, no clue on whether I dream or not, I hope others will comment a lot. It will be interesting to see what others say.

Tamie said...

I think that's true. People who don't get enough sleep, or into that deep stage of sleep don't dream as much. For me I find that the most vivid dreams are the ones I have right before I wake up. Sometimes I think the more we pay attention to our dreams, the more God will reveal to us. And I am amazed at how much he's been teaching me through dreams this year.

Jaimee Bingle said...


Most of the time the dreams that I remember the most are the ones that I have right before I wake up. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and write dreams down and then go back to sleep and have more. But I agree, the more you pay attention, study and take seriously the dreams that you receive - the more you get.